Lord of the Flies Movie Preview Project

This project will incorporate many Web 2.0 production tools. The completed piece will be a movie trailer of Lord of the Flies that is 90 seconds long.

Check the ANNOUNCEMENTS PAGE often for updates to the project.

6. Using Movie Maker, assemble these items into your movie trailer. There will be some editing required to get it to the required 90 second length and to adjust for flow and cadence. SAVE OFTEN!! Many have forgotten to do so and have lost precious work and time.

5. Locate items for your project; this will include character images with names, video clips, audio clips, voice narration, rating, intro and credits. Directions for accumulating these items are on the pages for the specific tool you are using.

4. Lay out your project on a storyboard (see Multimedia Resources page). This will assist you in organizing your thoughts and come up with a plan. NOTE: This storyboard may be altered as resources are acquired for the project.

3. Open Windows Movie Maker file, save it to the Desktop of the computer you are working on and then upload this file to your Drop Box account. [You will do this every time you save or you will LOSE your most recent editing.] NOTE: Save filename as 'period-lastname-lastname' (ex. 2-Phillips-Jackson). That way Mrs. Jackson will know whose project it is.

2. Open Drop Box account from Mrs. Phillips' invitation. You will create a shared account with your partner and will save all resources to this shared account.


1. Read all the instructions in this site, including the sub-pages.


These items must be complete by these days so as to finish on time.


File Wiggler - web resource used to convert YouTube videos to video files used in Movie Maker

Audacity - installed on library computers - used for creating voice files

Soundzabound - royalty-free music subscribed to by the library - clips can be downloaded to DropBox for access on device with Internet access - used for background music

DropBox - can be accessed from any Internet connection - used for saving all collected materials for project

Windows Movie Maker - installed on the library computers - used for creating the project


Click on the links below to access instructions for each tool.

Copyright-Friendly Images - All projects will require these type images. A creative commons license is required.