About agilepatterns.org

This is a repository for the patterns, and associated best practices, which are used in the agile transformation of enterprise. The Agile Transformation Framework is a key part of this initiative. The focus is on providing incremental value through the delivery of small batches of work, and on the inspection and adaptation of an increasingly efficient process.

These techniques favor the use of small teams, and the ability to identify new opportunity and change direction with minimal fuss. No longer the "secret weapons" of tech startups, agile methods can now be leveraged by established organizations. These patterns truly offer the means to become a "startup at scale".

The patterns are roughly collated under three headings: Patterns of Method, Patterns of Responsibility, and Patterns of Representation. The Agile Transformation Framework pattern transcends all three categories. In addition we present a collection of antipatterns...which are not so much an indication of best practices, but rather of common mistakes that are best identified in order to avoid them.

Each pattern is accessible from the sidebar, and is defined using a simple pattern language with the following elements:

Pattern Availability

Each pattern is provided under the Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). The startup@scale® trademark refers to the transformation framework and associated patterns as they appear and are described on agilepatterns.org. Producers and users of any derived works should avoid using this trademark when referring to such derived works. The agilepatterns.org repository is curated by Ian Mitchell.

The wider community: other pattern-based approaches

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