
Cynthia Knospel

Cynthia Knospel is a 25-year-old graduate student in Germany. Her research interest is civil rights, and she has heard that Emory University has a significant collection of works by civil rights leaders in the United States. She has also heard that an extensive Alice Walker Archive now exists at Emory.

She is aware of Emory’s Center for Ethics with an intriguing tag line: “Igniting the moral imagination of 21st Century leaders.” Her preliminary research into relevant Atlanta resources has also uncovered the Center For Civil and Human Rights Partnership.

Cynthia also knows that Emory’s Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts (ILA) was one of the first interdisciplinary PhD programs in the United States. And, she has discussed with her advisor in Germany a possible year of study at Emory to research primary source material for her dissertation.

The opportunity to improve her skills in English is also appealing.

woman with dog and white cane

Cynthia's first Scenario of Use