
Draft Objectives

Development of Specific Audiences

On the introductory page, two audience examples are given: health professionals and educators. Both may be appropriate for specific presentations – however, other segments may be a better choice. The process of audience definition is a significant undertaking:


User-Centered Design [Wikipedia]

Personas [Usability.gov]

Scenarios of Use [Usability.gov]

User-Centered Design that includes People with Disabilities [W3C Web Accessibility Initiative]

Personas from FluidProject.org

In consideration of these audiences, one factor is how these presentations are to be used.

Are these presentations:

  • Introductory comments about the Bahá’í Faith itself?
  • Advanced comments about the Bahá’í Faith in relation to a specific body of knowledge?

What level of personal contact precedes watching these presentations? How should follow-up activities be presented at the end of each piece?

The current prototype gives some hint as to how this should be done, but much consultation is needed here.

Development of Specific Presentations

Based on decisions about audiences and the way in which these multimedia presentations are to be integrated into the rest of the Bahá’í material (physical and virtual), specific multimedia productions can be created.

Integration with calendar resources seems vital to provide for the connection between what is available on the Web and what personal interactions are appropriate.

Calendar Events and Introductory Material


A Seeker Oriented calendar for AtlantaBahai.org exists. (Joomla calendar.)

(Note: This calendar can encode not only categories, but also Public | Private events.)

A challenge not addressed by this interactive Google site - but, nonetheless related in function, is the need for current, comprehensive, accurate events within the calendar. This need requires coordination across Spiritual Assembly areas. More critically, it requires dedicated and capable staff to update the calendar.

It should be noted that the Central Dekalb community is experimenting with a Google calendar. Integration of multiple Google calendars seems comparatively simple.

Central Dekalb Calendar:


Other option:

WordPress.org/ ... calendar/ http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/calendar/

Prototype Material vs. Long-term Development

The intended Long-term Development is to create several presentations - where each presentation would have three components:

1. Introduction (What is this, by whom, context of many more segments…);

2. Main segment designed to connect a theme of the Faith to both reason and to narratives of all religions;

3. Closing (basic Bahá’í principles, where to find more, what contacts exist…)

The prototype contains an introduction, the theme of the independent investigation of truth, a closing.

The current list of possible themes includes:

• The independent investigation of truth;

• The elimination of prejudice;

• The equality of men and women;

• The nature of the soul;

• Progressive revelation.

• Integrating physical and spiritual health

• Universal education and spiritual principles

Much material for these presentations is available as text within the World Center site:

This list is, of course, not complete - but, like the rest of the site, a seed for consultation.

These thematic presentations would be designed for specific audiences within the Atlanta community.

They would fill a niche not completely addressed by the burgeoning collection of other media presentations.

Discussion Pages