Writing Center

The CCNY Writing Center is located in The Samuel Rudin Academic Resource Center – NAC, Amsterdam Avenue Plaza, 3rd floor South.

The information below was sent to faculty and staff on September, 15 2011, so I'm not sure all the information is still the same for Fall 2012.

The Center is staffed by graduate and undergraduate Writing Consultants who are chosen for their exceptional academic skills.

In addition to more than 40 peer consultants, we have 8 Composition Instructors and 3 certified ESL Instructors on staff.

The CCNY Writing Center offers:

One-on-One Peer Tutoring

Writing and Academic Skills Workshops

Online Tutoring and Online Writing Lab (OWL)

Fully Equipped Tutoring Lab

Contact Information:

Telephone: 212 650 8104

Email: writingcenter@ccny.cuny.edu



The Center is open Monday-Thursday 10am-7pm.

Online chat: Friday 10am-3pm and Tuesday 2pm-4pm.

The Writing Center will also be open on weekends in November and December. Please encourage students working on final research papers to utilize the expanded weekend hours.

Online Writing Lab:

Our Online Writing Lab is open 365 days per year. Students can upload papers and receive comments within 48 hours. Click here for more information on our

online resources:



This semester, we are presenting 35 workshops on Grammar and Writing Skills. We have also teamed up with the Career Center to present 3 workshops on resume writing and job searches. Check our website for more information!