
                                                     Welcome to Adolescent Learning & Development!

        What do you already know about Adolescent Learning and Development? Take the pretest on the Teaching page.

My name is Professor Hope J. Hartman; I'm an educational/cognitive psychologist and taught at CCNY and the CUNY Graduate Center until January 2013, when I retired and moved to North Carolina. This website will continue to be available to my former students and anyone else interested in Adolescent Learning & Development.   My specializations are: thinking, learning, teaching and instructional technology.                                                       Email me:hartman@ccny.cuny.edu                                                                                                         My regular web site is http://education.ccny.cuny.edu/faculty/hhartman/  



This resource site was created for my CCNY graduate and undergraduate students taking Adolescent Learning and Development. Most of these students are inservice or preservice teachers. 

This site has attached documents at the bottom of most pages and links to web sites, including You Tube clips. These resources are either assigned or optional materials intended to help people who are or will be teaching adolescents.

Some topics overlap, so some of the resources here could have been put on other pages. For example, the materials on Parenting and Teaching Styles are on the Cognition and Affect page but could have been put on the Teaching page.The textbook we're using is Brain-Based Teaching with Adolescent Learning in Mind, by Glenda Beamon Crawford, (2007). 2nd Edition,Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

This graphic organizer, created with Inspiration, shows the 18 countries where my Fall 2012 students were from.


"A Guide to Reflective Practice for New and Experienced Teachers" 2010, New York: McGraw-Hill.

http://www.amazon.com/Guide-Reflective-Practice-Experienced-Teachers/dp/0073378348/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1250629964&sr=1-1 is my most recent book.

You can see all my books in print by visiting my Amazon Author page http://www.amazon.com/Hope-J.-Hartman/e/B001KHJMEW/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1264548806&sr=1-2-ent