
                                     Fieldwork Report

The purpose of this report is for you to make clear and specific connections between what you learn in this course and what actually happens in real classrooms.

Make sure you organize your fieldwork into three sections, using three major headings Demographics, Examples and Reflections, and includes clear subheadings for each of the four sets of examples. Use the Organizational Chart Template attached below to ensure a systematic approach to addressing the contents and structure of this report.

1.  Demographics: description of the ethnicity, socio-economic status (% students eligible for reduced or free lunch), % of special needs students (students with disabilities and gifted and talented) & gender composition of the school where you did your fieldwork observations. Include the name of the school (or schools) where you did your Fieldwork Observations.

 2.   Examples: Your report should include at least 8 specific examples which answer the questions below and are structured around concepts from the BACEIS Model. These examples should give specific details describing what you actually saw a particular day - not generalizations about what occurred.

Make sure you have clear headings for each of these sections! Also make sure your course connections are explicitly and thoroughly explained. When in doubt, write more rather than less.

A.     What are at least two specific examples of students’ thinking and/or learning that you observed (or didn’t observe) and how does each one relate to what we studied in this course? See the attached resource "Cog. Processes FW Obs". This resource is intended to stimulate your thinking about students' thinking and learning. It's not definitive!

B.     What are at least two specific examples of students’ attitudes, motivation, and social relationships that you observed (or didn’t observe) and how does each one relate to what we studied in this course? See the attached resource "Affect FW Observ". This resource is intended to stimulate your thinking about students' attitudes, motivation and social relationships. It's not definitive!

C.     What are at least two specific examples of how what you observed (or didn’t observe) in the academic environment relates to what we studied in this course? Include instructional techniques and characteristics of the classroom environment.

D.     What are at least two specific examples of how the teacher you observed included (or did not include) aspects of the nonacademic environment? Consider: working with parents, culturally responsive teaching, students’ out-of-classroom experiences. See the attached resource Fieldwork Resources for the NonAcademic Environment.This resource is intended to stimulate your thinking about the nonacademic environment. It's not definitive!

3. Reflections: What conclusions can you draw based on your fieldwork observations? What might you have done differently as the teacher?


Attached at the bottom of this page are a variety of resources to help you with your Fieldwork Reports:

                                                                                      Fieldwork Placement

The information quoted below was sent by Dr. Bruce Billig, Director of Field Experiences (NAC 6/207A) which includes fieldwork and student teaching. Contact him at  or 212-650-6915; 212-650-5156.

    "Please see Yolaine Nivar (, our Fieldwork Coordinator, if you need one of our Fieldwork Packets.  We suggest that you encourage your students to meet with Yolaine as soon as possible if they will require her assistance with fieldwork placements.  Our OFE website also has any of the forms, timesheets, etc. that your students will need." 

The Office of Field Experiences (Fieldwork) Website is

  Note: You must  show a copy of your latest TB(vaccine) results or get tested and show your results to the Fieldwork Office in order to work in a school.

                                                                   Fieldwork Demographics

To find out about the Demographics at a NYC public school:

Go to this link 

If the link has expired, copy and paste it into the address line of your browser to access the web site.

Type in the name of the school.

Click on Statistics and you'll find the demographics somewhere from that page.