Cognition and Affect

 Some of the attached documents and links provided are required and some optional. Consult your syllabus.


BACEIS Model and Self-Directed Learner; To be discussed in class; attached is a summary of the BACEIS Model and there's a subpage image of the Self-Directed Learner.

Parenting/Teaching Styles:

1.) Summary of Research on Parenting Styles & the Educational Implications (attached)

2). Wentzel pdf article on Teaching Styles in middle school. (attached)

3).Link to a short survey called Your Classroom Management Profile, where you can assess your own teaching style tendencies based on concepts like those from research on Parenting Styles.

Modern Multiple Intelligence Theories

    1)  Intro to Intelligence, document attached below.

    2) Link to document "Intelligence across cultures:" (2003)  on research in Africa, Asia and Latin America showing how culture and intelligence interact, including cultural differences in conceptions of intelligence.

    3) Two very short video clips introducing two modern theories:

    A. Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

    B. Howard Gardner on his Multiple Intelligences theory

Motivating Students to Learn (attached)

Content-specific Types & Levels of Questions (attached)

Transfer: What, Why Not and How (attached)


Motivation: Alfie Kohn discusses the ideas in his famous book: Punished by Rewards? in the pdf article from Educational Leadership linked here:

Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives Bloom's Taxonomy Organization Includes a variety of resources related to both Bloom and Howard Gardner.

Classroom Questions:

Problem Solving and Decision Making

PBS Frontline Video "Digital Nation" which addresses many important aspects of  technology in classes, homes and the culture, including the complex issue of Multitasking. About 90 minutes, divided into 9 chapters.

Parenting  Styles 

This is a link to an article by Chao (2000) on Chinese vs. European American parenting styles  and the implications for students' academic achievement 

This is a link to a recent literature review by Spera (2005) on parenting practices, styles and adolescent achievement which shows differences based on culture, ethnicity and socio-economic status.  Consequently, Spera recommends Darling & Steinberg's (1993) Contextual Model of parenting.

Here's a link to Darling's (1999) "Parenting Style and its Correlates"


1. This links to a document from TeacherVision on teaching for Gardner's Multiple Intelligences. 

2.  Questionnaire for Triarchic Intelligence Theory self-assessment  

3. A YouTube clip on Using the Triarchic Theory to Enhance Learning. The presentation has some flaws in it, but still gives some good ideas about how to teach in ways that enhance students' intelligences.

4. Here is a questionnaire for assessing Multiple Intelligences based on Gardner's theory.

5 A longer (and older) YouTube clip with Gardner on his theory

6. .More information  on Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory and other resources for teachers from the UK:

7. Attached below is a wonderful article from the New York Times on creativity, which mentions Sternberg's.  work.

8. Brief biography of Sternberg, and some video clips. The references note that the Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test was never published. However, here's a link to information on the Rainbow Assessment that replaced it!

9.Perry's theory of Intellectual and Ethical Development, often called the Perry Scheme, is summarized by the Perry Network 

Cognitive Abilities/Skills

Here's a link to an example of the Raven's Progressive Matrices Test mentioned in the article "Intelligence Across Cultures".

In December, 2005 NPR did a show on Gender Differences in Cognitive AbilitiesThis is a link to an audio broadcast and transcript of that show


Many people, including the author of your textbook, sometimes confuse metacognition and critical thinking, which have some overlapping components but are not the same.Metacognition may be thought of as critical thinking applied to one's own thinking and learning processes and products. When critical thinking is applied to something external to the thinker/learner, such as evaluating another person's ideas or argument, it is not metacognition.

Both Sternberg's and Gardner's theories include metacognition in intelligence.

Here's a link to one of my 3 chapters on metacognition in my edited collection "Metacognition in Learning and Instruction: Theory, Research and Practice" Kluwer, 2001 .  This chapter, Developing Students' Metacognitive Knowledge and Skills, is a resource; not an assigned reading for students in Adolescent Learning & Development. The other two chapters  Teaching Metacognitively and Metacognition in Science Teaching and Learning) are also at my Condor site. Hard copies of all three chapters are available upon request.

   The "I DREAM of A"document attached below is a subject-specific approach to improving metacognition in writing and problem solving skills. It may be assigned as a requirement in your class.

Critical Thinking

    Critical thinking is defined as deciding or selecting what to believe or do. A widely accepted holistic rubric for assessing critical thinking developed by Facione and Facione



Miscellaneous Resources

A major theme of this course is the implementation of strategies that are consistent with the American Psychological Association's "Learner-Centered Principles", which underlie much current school reform.

The classic book on openmindedness is Rokeach's (1960) The Open and Closed Mind. This link is his statement about his book: 

Here's a link to an article highly critical of focusing teaching strategies on students' Learning Styles,

which are not the same as their intelligences. I totally agree with the conclusions from this article.   

However, Felder's  approach to learning styles that I find acceptable. Here's a link to a survey and information based on this approach.


Activating students' prior knowledge of a topic can elicit valuable background information that can be used to create meaningful learning. It can also activate invalid prior knowledge which can inhibit meaningful learning. Such knowledge is alternatively referred to as misconceptions, preconceptions and/or emerging conceptions. A Private Universe is a fascinating video showing the pervasiveness and deep entrenchment of misconceptions in high school students and in Harvard students and faculty. Linked here is a transcript of part of that video

Teachers and students need to exercise critical thinking and metacognition to identify and overcome misconceptions.


Here's a summary of some recent research published by the American Psychological Association on the benefits of "little touches"

Adolescent girls are especially prone to having eating disorders. The American Psychological association now has research and resources on the topic

This research paper, "Social cognitive development during adolescence" includes information on brain development, affect and cognition about social relations.