
In the links and attachments below are links to web sites, articles and graphic organizers on many aspects of teaching.

The first document in the attachments is a pretest designed to activate your prior knowledge of adolescent learning and development. Unlike many other tests, the important thing isn't what you get right or wrong, but rather to help you think about your own thinking and learning and to make learning more personally relevant and meaningful.  I usually administer this pretest at the beginning of the semester to help me refine my plans for teaching each class. This test also serves as a model of an instrument you could design for your own students to help you tailor your curriculum and instruction to the needs of a particular class.


1. Two attached documents: My Beliefs about Teaching and Teacher vs. Learner-Centered Instruction.

2. Special Needs Learners:

A.  Teaching Students with Special Needs from TeacherVision

B.   Video on Autism - Temple Grandin Speaking at TED: The world needs all kinds of minds


3.  We will have an activity which uses Group Roles for Structuring Participation, attached below.describing the types of roles developed by Johnson & Johnson.

4.   Four attached documents

A.  Gay, Preparing for Culturally Responsive Teaching

B.   Culturally Responsive Social Skills Instruction for Adolescent Black Males (Information on the PACT program mentioned on page 5 of this article is available as an optional resource in the attached documents below.)

C.  School Connectedness

D.  Wingspread Declaration on School Connectedness (graphic organizer)

B. Links:

1.This is a link to a brief 1986 article on the classic problem faced by many black students who are  viewed  as "acting white", addressed by the famous anthropologist John Ogbu http://www.nyesma.org/documents/Black_Students_Acting_White.pdf

2. Link to Rap Music to teach in a variety of subjects http://www.educationalrap.com/

3. Link to Hip-Hop in the classroom http://www.flocabulary.com/ .

4. Link to YouTube clip on a creative, culturally responsive way to teach chemistry, from the old TV show, WKRP in Cincinnati. Venus Explains the Atom 

5. Vygotsky-related Teaching Strategies. (Attached Below)

A.  Reciprocal Teaching (RT), a method of developing reading comprehension,

B.  Cognitive Behavior Modification (CBM)

C.  Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Reciprocal Teaching with Cognitive Behavior Modification (Venn RT & CBM).

6. The attached document,  Reflective Classroom Management,  is a chapter from my recent book, "A Guide to Reflective Practice for New and Experienced Teachers" (2009) Mc-Graw-Hill


Harper & Tuckman (2006) Racial identity beliefs and academic achievement: does being black hold students

back? http://dennislearningcenter.osu.edu/references/Racial%20identity%20beliefs%20and%20academic%20achievement.pdf


Foster (2004) Coming to terms: a discussion of John Ogbu’s cultural-ecological theory of minority academic achievement. 


Special Needs Learners:

A. For Teachers: Understanding Learning Disabilities. From the Learning Disabilities Association of America.

B. Teaching in Tandem:One (New York) school's success through coteaching. Learning with Disabilities. ASCD 2012

C. Gifted and Talented High School Students  Quick Reference Material. Recommended activities. Old, but some good ideas!

D. Resources for Gifted and Talented Education Program. "Outside" links from the California Department of Education.

E. Bobby Approval for Website Accessibility:  http://www.bobby-approved.com/ (10/15/12 different link, replacing old one)

F. Inclusion: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions from the NEA.

TED Ideas Worth Spreading http://www.ted.com/talks


6PQ Method of Discovery Learning handout from the developers is now attached below.

Graphic Organizers: This educational resource site (NCREL) has an excellent collection of diverse graphic organizershttp://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/students/learning/lr1grorg.htm Also check out the link to the KWLH graphic organizer at the bottom of the page.You can get a 30 day free trial of Inspiration's wonderful graphic organizer software at  http://www.inspiration.com/  CMAP is free concept mapping software, available at http://cmap.ihmc.us/  and   Federal Resources for Educational Excellence http://free.ed.gov/ has  free educational resources as I learned from one of my student's home pages!   For a truly mind boggling array of graphic organizers, Google graphic organizers and click on images!

Pair/Peer Learning Methods:

Pair-Problem Solving: Developed by Whimbey and Lochhead, described: http://wikis.lib.ncsu.edu/index.php/Pair_Problem_Solving

Peer Assessment http://foundationcoalition.org/publications/brochures/2002peer_assessment.pdf

Guided Reciprocal Peer Questioning http://www.stanford.edu/dept/CTL/cgi-bin/docs/ta/pdf/small_group_ex.pdf

Project-Based, Problem-Based, and Inquiry Learning:  http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic43.htm

Inquiry Learning:The Inquiry Page http://engage.illinois.edu/entry/88     Here are several images of Inquiry Models http://www.google.com/images?q=inquiry+model&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rlz=1R1WZPB_en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&sa=X&ei=yfWZTb_-DsabtwfRnoSXDA&ved=0CDsQsAQ&biw=922&bih=392

The Adventures of Jasper Woodbury are great examples of multimedia lessons emphasizing everyday life types of mathematical problem solving. (12 video/ DVD adventures). See examples at http://peabody.vanderbilt.edu/projects/funded/jasper/  Here's a short YouTube clip showing how it works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6OGFkOcttI

Structured Controversy is the best debate strategy I know of. It is briefly described at http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/de/pd/instr/strats/structuredcon/index.html  Following is a link to an article on two different models of argumentation: Rogers' model and Toulmin's models.  http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/drwswebb/lore/2_2/shiyab_arg.htm

The Jigsaw method of cooperative learning, developed by Aronson in the 1970s, has an official site,  Jigsaw Classroom http://www.jigsaw.org/

Direct Instruction: An old and widely used, highly scripted teaching method  http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/methods/models/direct/

Social Learning Theory/Modeling/Observational Learning (Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory http://psychology.about.com/od/developmentalpsychology/a/sociallearning.htm

Fostering Motivation in Professional Development Programs (also on Culturally Responsive Teaching).

Celebrating Cultural Diversity: Strategies for teachers at http://baucomes.wcpss.net/diversity/diversity

Geneva Gay indicates that Culturally Responsive Teaching is based on Situated Learning. Attached below is one of the classic articles on this theory, "Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning." by Brown, Collins and Duguid (1989) which can also be accessed at this link: http://www.exploratorium.edu/ifi/resources/museumeducation/situated.html

KATHY SCHROCK's Guide for Educators has changed due to her retirement. Here's a new link to Assessment & Rubrics http://www.schrockguide.net/assessment-and-rubrics.html

InTime, http://www.intime.uni.edu/ is a wonderful web site which has pedagogically sound, technology enhanced lessons across grades and across the curriculum. The site has lesson plans, questions, and video clips demonstrating lessons with each component of its pedagogical model. This is a link to information on Culturally Responsive Teaching at the InTime website http://www.intime.uni.edu/multiculture/curriculum/culture/Teaching.htm 

Compare NYC schools through this interactive site http://www.nytimes.com/schoolbook/2011/08/30/welcome-to-schoolbook/

A Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Reciprocal Teaching with Cognitive Behavior Modification is attached below.

The Jason Project: Science Education through Exploration http://www.jason.org/public/whatis/start.aspx

Quantum Mechanics explained in song! http://www.alancross.ca/a-journal-of-musical-things/2011/9/7/quantum-mechanics-explained-in-song.html

Based on requests from students last semester, information is attached below on Test Taking Skills, Time Management and Relaxation Techniques. The document is titled "Adapted from RP TTS and TMT.

Surprises in Mind has many fascinating resources for teaching mathematics, science and information on other topics, such as the brain.http://www.learner.org/resources/series130.html

Purpose Games: For students to self-test their knowledge of topics in subjects across the curriculum! http://www.purposegames.com/games

Classroom Management The following links focuses on how to handle students' misbehavior.

1.  Assertive Discipline http://campus.dyc.edu/~drwaltz/FoundLearnTheory/FLT_readings/Canter.htm

2. An old black and white video on Bad and Good Discipline http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHzTUYAOkPM

3. A more modern short documentary  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI1EslmriCE&feature=PlayList&p=1E730497882B6103&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=19 

4. Discipline Help for Teachers http://www.disciplinehelp.com/teacher/  and    http://teachingtoday.glencoe.com/howtoarticles/cell-phones-in-the-classroomandhttp://www.lessonplansinc.com/classroom_management_consequences.php

5. The Teacher's Guide: A variety of classroom management strategies and links http://www.theteachersguide.com/ClassManagement.htm

6. Resources for Working with Angry and Aggressive Students

A.  http://www.nasponline.org/resources/principals/Angry%20and%20Aggressive%20Students-NASSP%20Jan%2008.pdf

B. http://www.cyc-net.org/cyc-online/cycol-0306-guetzloe.html

C. http://www.smartclassroommanagement.com/2010/05/08/how-to-handle-an-angry-verbally-aggressive-student/

Jerome Bruner's  Constructivism  http://tip.psychology.org/bruner.html

ebook: Integrating Differentiated Instruction and Understanding by Design  http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=OmiaaeNRCX4C&oi=fnd&pg=PR4&dq=differentiated+instruction&ots=Z5_8qkF_BV&sig=yKz1rqs6DFHzuTr41JHmCgXUjnk#v=onepage&q&f=false

Videos  for teachers are available at these sites while YouTube is blocked in New York public schools.

1. TeacherTube http://www.teachertube.com/

2. Google videos http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=teaching&emb=0&aq=f# .

Teacher NETS ((2008) National Educational Technology Standards (attached).

Here's a link to an excellent, comprehensive site on Teaching Tips http://honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/committees/FacDevCom/guidebk/teachtip/teachtip.htm

Although it is primarily targeted at college teaching, most of the ideas also apply to middle and high school teaching.

Teachers' Domain http://www.teachersdomain.org/ has a wide variety of resources organized by subject area.  The following was copied from the HomePage " Teachers' Domain is an extensive library of free digital media resources produced by public television, designed for classroom use and professional development."

 Scaffolding and Cooperative Learning -  Attached below is chapter 3 from my unpublished manuscript, Human Learning and Instruction. Here's a link to a summary of characteristics of cooperative learning and a brief description of several approaches to it http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/intech/cooperativelearning.htm

Universal Design: http://www.udeducation.org/  This website describes the approach and provides resources for teachers.

Read, Write Think Classroom Resources from the International Reading Association http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/

World of Teaching: Free resources submitted by teachers http://www.worldofteaching.com/

PBS Celebration of Teaching and Learning http://thirteencelebration.org/

NBC Education News   http://www.educationnation.com/ 

Learning Environments How People Learn, a modern classic by Bransford etal 2000, is available free online through the National Academy Press http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309070368. Attached below is a PowerPoint file summarizing key features of the four learning environments emphasized in that book: Knowledge-centered, Learner-centered, Assessment-centered and Community-centered.

For a humorous look at higher education, check out this You Tube clip of Father Guido Sarducci's "The 5 Minute University" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO8x8eoU3L4