
System: Yuggoth

Hex Location: 0714

Star Type: Single star, F8

Number of Worlds: 9

Gas Giants: 2 (1 Hot Jupiter)

Planetoid Belt: Asteroid and comet belt

Starport Type: C Routine star port

World Size: Earth-sized

Atmosphere Type: Earth-like

Surface Water: 90%, but almost all of it is frozen.

Population: Medium (80 million)

Political Affiliation: Claimed by Cilindare

Notes: Yuggoth has never had significant settlement, but the sytor gas mines (think of it as a kind of nitrous oxide for spaceships) were seen as worth harvesting by some, so the Cilindareans, as they expanded into this sector, claimed the world. It is also not insignificant as a waystation in crossing the sector; its position gives it decent access to other worlds that would otherwise require a long trip around.

Much of the traffic comes from treasure hunters, archaeologists, mystics and pilgrims searching for ruins or artifacts; everything from a lost Zen Crucian temple, to information that will shed light on the mysterious Last Emperor's War and more.

There are no native sentient species, but some dangerous wildlife makes travel here difficult. Also, Yuggoth occupies the same orbital space as a dispersed asteroid belt, which is theorized to have once been a moon of Yuggoth which shattered and scattered throughout the orbit. This also makes life here potentially very difficult, as meteorite falls are quite common, and the risk of an extinction level asteroid collision is always present.

None of the settlements are particularly large. The Cilindan officials only tend to manage a few of them, which are industrial mining towns. There are a few other settlements, but they are generally little more than either smuggler hide-outs or "rest stops" for passing caravans or ships on their way from some system elsewhere to some other system elsewhere and using Yuggoth as a shortcut.

A small landing pad deep in a mountainous region of Yuggoth.