Mt. St. Helens Topo Map


The current Extra Credit project is building a topo map of Mt. St. Helens, a volcano that blew it's top in 1980 and made it snow in Glendale, CA. Well, not really snow. But it did "ash" pretty nicely. Too bad you can't build ashmen or throw ashballs at your friends.

To do this project you will need a lot of cardboard that is 1/8 inch thick. This is like the cardboard that storage boxes are made of. Cardboard from beer or soda 12 packs is NOT thick enough and you will be penalized. If you need cardboard you can always go to the Main Office, Attendance Office, or Library and ask them if they have any empty printer paper boxes.

Also, you will need to use a knife, so make sure to ask permission of your parents before you begin.

This assignment is worth a maximum of 10% of the grade points at the end of the second grading period. In other words, it can raise your grade an entire letter if you do it right! But to make sure you're not penalized, make sure you look at the rubric.

Once you have decided if you are going to do this project, click here for the directions.