Starting back after COVID

UPDATE - 4/1/21

COVID 19 - Not starting back

Happy new year!

With the current tier system we will NOT be starting back this week for Juniors and Company sections (P4 to S6). The current Youth work guidance is:

With effect from 26th December The Boys' Brigade will be returning to Stage 2 of our Framework in Scotland. This will mean that Companies will not be able to meet in any face-to-face setting indoors or outdoors and should engage with children and young people via Virtual Sessions and by utilising the #BBatHOME resources.

We will continue to upload details of activities on here. Any questions please feel free to get in touch.

We had a fantastic first evening back on tonight. Thank you to all the young people and parents for following the risk assessment and taking the time to read it.

Plans for the new year

We will start back on Friday the 8th of January for the Junior section (P4 to P6).

Timings will be:

Juniors start 6pm and finish at 7pm.

Company Section start 7.30pm and finish at 8.30pm

For any who have not already read the risk assessment, please take the time to do this with your young person before the 8th of January.

We will post up a Google form for who is planning to attend after the festive period.

We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas holiday and a Happy New Year.

EntranceExit of BB and GA from Church Building.docx