Update for Parents

Post date: 04-Apr-2014 10:44:44

Today marks the start of the Easter holidays but do not fear. We are still on this week and next week.

We will also be parading at the church on Sunday 13th April for Palm Sunday service.

All boys are asked to attend in uniform, meeting at the hall for 10:30am with the service to finish at 12noon. Parents are more than welcome to join us for the service.

Camp news, there will be a final meeting for camp on Friday 18th to discuss check the menus and discuss final preparations. It is vital that parents of the boys going to camp attend this meeting.

Finally a last date for your diary. As I am sure you are aware this is the 50th year of the 66th Edinburgh (Muirhouse) company. As usual we will be holding our annual display and awards night on Friday 30th May. Please keep this date free so you can come and share this special occasion with us.