Macro Models for Policy

PIDE organized a conference on 22 Oct. 2016 held at NIBAF, with participants from SBP, Ministry of Finance, Commerce, Planning, Statistics, and also from PIDE, QAU, IIUI. The theme was use of Macroeconomic Models for Policy relevant planning.The goal of the conference was to assess the current state of play in terms of models being used for policy making in Pakistan. Also to take steps to improve planning and policy making by the use of formal models.

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Recommendations from Executive Summary:

  1. Require ARTICULATION of reasons for decisions -- these are primitive models.
  2. Ask policy makers to express need for data & models which could help decision making. These needs should be conveyed to PBS and to Academia
  3. Academicians should work on producing simple models with short causal chains which are convincing to outsiders and easy to explain. Avoid fancy black box models
  4. Encourage out-of-the-box thinking, which requires going beyond models.

View Complete Executive Summary or download from bottom of page.

Session 1: [Video Recording: YouTube 2 hrs. 10 min]

  1. Opening Remarks by Dr. Asad Zaman regarding purpose of the conference
  2. Dr. Michel Dombrecht on all three topics: Inflation, Output Gap, Export/Import Elasticities. Presentation, and three papers are attached below
  3. Maria Qubtia thesis on Export Led Growth (supervisor Asad Zaman). Thesis in final stages; link will be provided below LATER after completion
  4. Dr. Saud Ahmad Khan on the adverse impacts of depreciation. Paper being written up; link to paper will be provided later, after writeup.

Session 2: [Video Recording: YouTube 1 hr. 22 min}

  1. Dr. Atiq ur Rahman on monetary policy and links between interests, inflation, and investments. Published paper on topic linked below.
  2. Drs. Waseem Shahid Malik & Ahsanul Haq Satti on Output Gap -- Ph.D. Thesis linked below

Session 3: [Video Recording: YouTube 2 hrs 10 min]

  1. Drs Nadeem Hanif & Jahanzeb Malik on Inflation Forecasting-published paper is linked below
  2. Dr. Ali Choudhury on Forecasting & Policy Analysis System, a DSGE Model
  3. Dr. Farooq Pasha: Incorporating Fisal Sector into FPAS= paper is linked below.
  4. Concluding Remarks by Dr. Asad Zaman

Video: Macro Models for Policy: Session 1 — Video Recording of Session 1 - 2 hrs 10 mins

YouTube: Macro Models for Policy Session 2 — YouTube: Session 2 -- 1 hr 25 min

You Tube Video: Macro Models for Policy: Session 3 — 3rd session 2 hr, 10 min

Ahsanul Haq Satti Ph.D. Thesis on Output Gap — Conduct of monetary policy in uncertain world; The case of Pakistan

Atiqur Rahman on Monetary Policy — Revival of Legacy of Tooke & Gibson: Implications for Monetary Policy

Nadeem Haneef & Jahanzeb Malik — Evaluating Performance of Inflation Forecasting Models

Shahzad Ahmad & Farooq Pasha — A Pragmatic Model for Monetary Policy Analysis I: The Case of Pakistan