
This is home page for the study group re-reading Keynes. It will contain the sequence of posts/lessons as we go through the book, and relevant other materials.

This website will be used to organize and store lectures on Re-Reading Keynes, and associated materials, in a systematic way. These lectures will also be posted on:

WEA Pedagogy Blog


Links to posts and discussion will also be provided from: My Facebook Page

Join either the Pedagogy Blog, My LinkedIn connections, or the Facebook group, to get regular updates.

Professor Rod O'Donnell is trying to collect the works of Keynes: JMK Writings Project.

Detailed studies by Brian Ferguson of the historical background and the intellectual environment of Keynes will be extremely useful; Start with: Lectures on John Maynard Keynes’ General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1): Chapter One, Background and Historical Setting

Click on links in the Central Column below to get to the lesson. These are sequenced by number and according to date.

L1:Why Study Keynes?

L2:How to read Keynes in Historical Context

L3:Post-Keynesian History examines influence of Keynes on 20th century

L4:Aspects of Polanyi's methodology: Objective & Subjective are inextricably entangled

L5:Economic ideas informing discourse in early 20th Century

L5.5: GT Chapter 1: One Pager

L6: How Keynes theory differs radically from classical, conventional

L7: GT Chapter 2: Keynesian Unemployment

L8: Keynes initiated a complex systems approach but followers failed to understand it

L9: Employment is about nominal wages.

L10: Comments on Varian -- in context of Keynes rejection of Supply and Demand in labor market

Keynes — List page from Classic Sites