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Agent Based Models -- Introductory Course

Uri Wilensky, William Rand: An Introduction to Agent-Based Modeling: Modeling Natural, Social, and Engineered Complex Systems with NetLogo: MIT Press 2015

SLOGAN: Low Threshold, High Ceiling -- Takes a small amount of investment to learn, and sky is the limit in term of what can be done with it. WHY? It substitutes computer power for brains.

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Fundamental Flaws in Western Social Science — How methodology of science is mis-understood in the West, leading to completely wrong methodology for social science

Models, Scientific Methodology and ABM — 2 hr Urdu Lecture. Explains why west has wrong concepts about models and science, and how correcting these leads to superior models and modeling strategies

Transforming Knowledge — Valuable knowledge produces inner transformation, which is the key to an outer transformation

URDU: Keynes in Historical Context — First four lessons on Keynes, explained briefly in Urdu.

URDU Origins of Science & Scientific Method: Western Misconceptions & Clarifications — A Real Science teaches how to get to reality from signals of observables