St. Sebastian's Weekly Newsletter

St. Sebastian STEM Academy is a Catholic School community that models Jesus’s  love, faith, kindness and compassion toward each other while working together to solve problems in order to make a difference in our community and world.

April 19, 2024

 Hello from Mrs. McCauley

"Encourage one another and build one another up." - 1 Thessalonians 5:11

I am extremely thankful for our school community. This week was another reminder of the love and support you all continue to show our school. Father Thomas spoke to our families at mass on Thursday, thanking you for trusting in us as we opened a new school this year. It is incredible to see it flourish and we are so excited as we look ahead to the future of our school. Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. 

Thank you for joining us for our Spring VIP Day! We loved welcoming you into our building and sharing breakfast together. Thank you also for your generosity in supporting Ms. Lori. I know she felt the love this week. 

Tony Noll from St. Sebastian Parish joined us this week to teach our 4K and 5K students about bridges. They learned about different materials, types of bridges, and how to model them online. They were very engaged and learned that it is important to learn from their mistakes. Thank you, Tony!

Today we participated in a Eucharistic Procession led by Deacon Eric. 8th graders from St. Lucy's were in the church for their retreat so they were able to join us. Enjoy some pictures below!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Is your child out sick?

Please report your sick child to the main office 262-425-0009 before 7:45am. Also, please remember that the day starts at 7:25, if you are running late, please bring your child through the main doors and sign them in to the main office. Thank you!

Also, if you will checking out your child early on a school day.  Please call Ms. Lori at the school office.  Teachers do not always get a chance to look at their email or Dojo during the school day.  Thank you. 


Just a reminder that your child needs to be 24 hrs. fever free before they can return to school. 

Also, if your child comes to school after 7:45, please make sure that they have had breakfast. Thank you.

Important Notes!

Earth Day Clean-up

We will be helping clean St. Sebastian's parish and school grounds, then move over to a local park to help clean up our Earth. We will meet at St. Sebastian's Parish at 8:00 on May 18th. Here is the link if you would like to join us.!

Memorial Day Parade

St. Sebastian's STEM Academy will be in this year's Memorial Day Parade in Sturtevant. The parade is on May 25th at 8:00am and we would love for you to be a part of it - More information to come.

Pics of the week

Student of the Week

Our student of the week this week is Scarlett from our 5K classroom! She has been a helpful friend and a good leader on the playground for our younger students. She also works hard in class when learning new things! We are so blessed to have Scarlett as part of our St. Sebastian STEM Academy family.

Spotlight on STEM!

3K  This week 3K learned all about the life cycle of a butterfly.  We even used our bodies to act out the 4 stages of its metamorphosis; egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly.  Using paints and paper, our final project focused on the symmetry of a butterfly's wings.  These beautiful butterflies can be found above our lockers in the hallway.

3K also explored God's creation this week by going for a walk specifically to look for spring changes around our school.  Students noticed the buds on the trees, flowers reawakening after a winter's nap, some beautiful green grass, lady bugs, worms, and even a few butterflies.

During centers, a few students were able to experience their toy boats sinking in our water table when they were filled with too much water.  We also observed how a sponge floats when it is in water.  For those Math lovers we had a caterpillar counting center this week.  Most students could count out 10 caterpillars, but a few made it to 20.  This weekend invite them to count something for you and cheer them on!   

4K  In 4K we are continuing to learn about coding. We are programming our robot Vex to complete a set of challenges. We love watching our robots dance! Also, we have been exploring the playground and collecting worms at recess. After picking them up we return them to their natural habitats. In addition, we are enjoying the Spring weather. Engineer Mr. Tony spoke to our 4k and 5k classes about engineering and designing bridges.

5K In Math 5K continued to work on counting, reading, and writing numbers to 20.  In Science we have continued to learn about the seasons. We looked for patterns in the weather data we collected and started talking about severe weather.  We also watched a Mystery Science lesson, "Does Trash Last Forever?". This video got us thinking about how we can reuse things instead of throwing them away.  Look for more on this next week!

Home and School

Home and School met Monday, April 8th. Our next meeting will be on Monday, May 6th at 6:00pm at School. We are working on a lot of fun things to do this spring. Please consider joining us!

Summer School News

Please find more information here.

Do you want to be a Substitute teacher for Siena Catholic Schools?

If you are interested in subbing for Siena Catholic Schools, please look at the attached flyer. We would love to see you in our school.

From St. Sebastian Catholic Church

Here's what's new at St. Sebastian Catholic Church!

3:30 - 4:00pm in the North Overflow room or by appt. 262-886-4398

Daily Readings

Join a Catholic Church

There is still time. If you want to be Catholic, if you have not been baptized, received your First Communion, or want to be Confirmed, contact our Faith Formation Minister Eric Antrim at or text him at 262-498-9028.

Before & After School Care

Kids Town hours for St. Sebastian hours are:

Information on the program can be found here.