Color and Art Theory

Color Theory

Primary colors are colors that cannot be made by mixing

colors together.

They are red, yellow and blue.

Secondary colors are colors that can be made by mixing two

primary colors together.

They are green, purple and orange.

Complementary colors are located across

from each other on the color wheel.

They are blue & orange, red & green and yellow & purple.

Analogous colors are located next to each

other on the color wheel.

Warm colors are red, orange and yellow (heat, summer, the sun).

Cool colors are blue, green and purple (winter, ice, snow).

Art Theory

Black is not a color, it is the absence of light, therefore the absence of color.

The value of a color is its lightness or darkness of the color.

A Monochromatic Color Scheme is one color with black or white added to that color.

There are 7 visual elements of art are line, shape, space, value, form, texture and color.

Composition is the placement or arrangement of visual elements in a 2-D work of art.

There are 9 principles of design; balance, harmony, emphasis, movement, pattern, repetition, proportion, contrast and variety.

Narrative Art is a work of art that tells a story.

Linear Perspective is a mathematical technique in which lines give the illusion of 3-D space on a 2-D surface, invented during the Renaissance by Filippo Brunelleschi.

Symmetry is being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other (mirror image).

Medium refers to the material an artist uses in their work (paint, pencils, markers).

Stimson Middle School (631) 812-3700

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