Robots vs humans

Robots are very intelligent and understanding creatures, but more so than humans? They are more precise than humans and won't make common human mistakes, meaning tasks will get done more efficiently. Robots can do everything humans can- and more. They need less consumables (food) and can be built to tolerate extreme weather conditions.

On the other hand, robots have no feelings and people may be less willing to share their feelings with them. Robots are also threatening to put many humans out of jobs since they are capable of doing do them better and faster. Because of this, some people are against robots. The bond between humans and robots may not be as strong.

Below are some videos regarding whether humans are better than robots.

Humans and robots - youtube

Cambridge University do an experiment on how well humans and robots complete tasks and who does it better.

Robot vs human - youtube

Five robots are shown doing jobs a human would normally do. But do they do the jobs better?

Robots vs Humans - Youtube

Andra Keay leads a TED talk about the balance between humans and robots.