
Are they good? Are they bad? Are they really that necessary? Are they a threat? Should we get rid of them? Are they going to outsmart us? Do they even feel any emotion? Should we be scared?

If you have ever considered one of these questions, you should look at our website. Some of your questions may have answers...

Robots have been around for a very long time, but as technology has improved, so have robots. Many people can argue that this is a good thing yet some fear that they are becoming too powerful. Linking to this, some people even suggest a world dominated by robots. However, some companies are working on robots which will benefit people. To see some examples of this visit Robots in real life.

Surely making robots to suit our needs is a good thing? After all, robots can do it much better than humans. Visit Robots vs humans to see the advantages and disadvantages of having robots at hand.

With more robots working free from charge to do simple jobs, a lot of people may loose their career. To see how much robots impact job employment, see Robots vs Employment

There are so many different types of robot, we decided to invent our own. Check Robot in creation to see our ideas.