Robot design

From considering current existing robots and observing our everyday needs, we have created a robot to help humans in their busy lives. Our robot is called Carebot and it helps people by looking after their pets when they aren't home. Look below to find out more about our creative design.

Purpose (in detail)

The purpose of Carebot would be to help take care of everyones pets. People often have dilemas during the holiday season about who will look after their pet while they are away, some only go on holiday to places they can bring their pet along. But Carebot would ensure your pet is fed and happy while you are away enjoying your holiday.


How will it be used?

Carebot has been designed to suit pet-owner's needs. Because of this, Carebot functions with an app which can be installed on your phone. With this app you can control the activities of the robot eg. when it drops food (or you can schedule this to certain hours), where it goes (you can control where it goes by using the cameras. These cameras also help to see what your pets are up to.)

Key Features

Carebot has many uses just to suit your pet's needs but we aren't going to list all of them. Take a look down below to see some of our bot's key features.

  • Discreet wheels- These wheels are hidden beneath the robot to keep your animals safe when they become curious

  • Inter-grated camera- Carebot has many hidden cameras (a front camera, a back camera and a top view camera) all of which are fixed into the robot to avoid injury to your pets. By using the installable app on you phone, you can watch you pets through the camera at any time.

  • Food dispenser- We know your pets get hungry. The food dispenser can drop food at any time of the day with a click of the button! You can also schedule when you want the food to be dropped, and also where to put it (you can even program Carebot to drop food in your pet's food bowl!)

  • Speakers- Our robot has hidden speakers concealed at its sides. This allows you to pre-record messages and play it to you animal at your given time. You can even talk to your animal(s) live with our newest feature under the name of 'live chat.' Simply go to a tab on our application and start a video call with you pets! (having a screen on our robot displaying your image would be too risky and would be prone to damage, so you would only be able to see your pet.)

A rough idea...

Carebot on the outside


Carebot has carefully hidden sensors built into the sides, front and back of it. These sensors detect movement so will be able to locate your pet easily. Other sensors are built in the front to read your pets feelings, when your pet is hungry Carebot will feed it, when your pet needs exercise, Carebot will make sure to exercise your pet (Carebot is not capable of walking you pet- for that you can hire a dog-walker- but Carebot can let you animals into a garden.) Ensure that Carebot's dispenser is always filled with food and Carebot will dispense into the correct area. Once the food is prepared Carebot will scan for a clear area of floor to place down the meal, and can even dispense food into the bowl of your pet if programed. If your pet is a fish or bird it can be programed to drop the food in the tank or place it into the bird cage.