Robots in real life

Many, many robots

There are many robots that exist today, some of which you can even buy in shops (for a lot of money). There are also a lot of robots which are designed spesifically to suit your needs.

Have a look below to find out about some real robots!

Spot, the robot dog

Spot is a unique robot which compares closely to the ordinary dog, just with enhanced abilities.

Spot is a very agile dog which can navigate terrain with ease, allowing you to run inspection tasks and capture data more efficiently. It is very intelligent and can carry up to 14kg of equipment, and is easy to control from afar; using tablet application and built-in stereo cameras. Spot is able to cruise over almost any terrain and is designed to use 360 degrees perception to map terrain.

Spot is used for many reasons, mainly to help people explore and sense things around them. Spot is also currently available to buy, and you are even able to customise him.

Handle, the box mover

Handle is a robot designed to work in factories to move boxes, saving other people from doing so.

Handle's small footprint allows it to easily obtain boxes which then can unload trucks or simply move things around a factory. It uses deep learning vision to sense the placement of the boxes and with a push of a button, you are able to hole and release boxes to move them into their designated area. handle is capable of moving 360 boxes per hour.

Handle is a very flexible robot. It's neck is able to extend and cordail to adjust itself to the hight of the object it is requied to lift. It is also able to transform itself into a compact from to be easier to transport.

Handle is not yet available to buy, but he will be soon.

Here are some links to see these robots in action!

Handle- Handle Robot Reimagined for Logistics - YouTube

Spot- With you, Spot can - YouTube

Visit the Boston Dynamics website at Home | Boston Dynamics to see more robots!

As good as these models may be, they could have some improvements.

Are robots really better than humans? Click on the button to find some answers.


Spot is supposedly a dog, but does it act like one? Boston Dynamics could enhance spot to act more like a natural dog, so it can a better connection with it's owner. Appearance wise, making Spot look like and ordinary dog would make the sales go up since more people would want to buy a cute-looking dog. Another thing that would enhance Spot's ability is making it able to react to sounds, just as normal dogs would. A lot of what we are suggesting is related to the differences between Spot and any other normal dog. Do you think Spot makes a better dog than the natural ones?


We understand, Handle is a robot very capable of doing great things. However, can it be improved? Handle's wires and cables are very exposed, so creating an outer shell for it would help protect the wiring. Handle would also benefit from being smaller, and having a more lengthy neck instead of the other way around. If Handle were smaller, it would be easier to transport it and would fit in smaller factories/ workspaces. Handle is also slightly hesitant before moving boxes, so enhancing its awareness and sensing of its surroundings would speed up the process.