Parkinson's Clinical Research

Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative

Gathering information to learn how Parkinson's starts, changes and how to stop it.

UK Parkinsons CSG_PPMI Information.pdf

Recruiting Sites: 

Newcastle University: Dr. Nicola Pavese

John Radcliffe Hospital Oxford and Oxford University: Dr. Michele Hu

Imperial College in London: Dr. Yen Tai

Queen Mary University London: Dr. Alastair Noyce

Timeframe: scheduled study end date is 31st December 2023

Recruitment Target: 40

Further Information

Link to further information:

Interested Investigators:

To discuss becoming a patient identification centre site, contact our coordinator Emma Fargher

People with Parkinson's:

Please visit the Michael J. Fox Foundation website to learn about how to become involved in the study: website