Parkinson's Clinical Research

Parkinson's Families Project

Families in research exploring genetics related to Parkinson's 

Chief Investigator:  Prof Huw Morris, Royal Free Hospital, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and UCL Institute of Neurology 

Recruiting Sites: Parkinson's Family Projects : UK sites ( 

Timeframe: planned study end date 1st March 2030

UK Recruitment Target: 44 research sites across the UK

Link to further information: Parkinson's Family Projects :: Home ( 

Further Information

Study Goal:

The Parkinson's Families Project aims to identify new Parkinson's genes to understand the processes that are leading to this condition. By identifying Parkinson's genes, it brings greater possibility to new drugs that could potentially slow or stop the progression of the disease. The Parkinson's Families Project compares the genes of people with and without Parkinson's who are closely related. 

What's Involved:

Participation will involve attending your nearest study site or your local GP if they are able to collect blood samples for the research team. The visit would last about 2 hours. The visit would involve donating a blood sample, providing a medical history and completing some examinations and questionnaires about things such as your symptoms, cognition, movement and balance. 

Who Can Take Part? 

Interested Investigators:

To discuss becoming a participating site, contact: the central study co-ordinator on 020 8016 8174 / or our coordinator Emma Fargher

People with Parkinson's:

To express your interest in taking part in the study, contact the study team