Parkinson's Clinical Research

EJS ACT-PD Initiative

Edmond J Safra Accelerating Clinical Trials in Parkinson’s

Most recent update presentation 12th April 2024: 

CSG presentation - 12.04.24.pptx

Chief Investigators: Professor Tom Foltynie and Professor Camille Carroll

Study Status: The EJS ACT-PD platform is currently being developed. This includes confirming the trial design, exploring the logistics, and securing funding and approvals. The trial aims to open to recruitment in 2024. 

Further Information


The EJS ACT-PD Initiative aims to revolutionise clinical trials in Parkinson’s by using an innovative study design called a Multi-Arm, Multi-stage (MAMS) or a platform trial. This means that multiple treatments can be tested in a single “super study” and compared against one sugar pill (placebo). Expert members of the EJS ACT-PD Initiative will scrutinise the different drugs available and select the most promising to be included in the trial, based on their potential to slow or stop Parkinson’s progression. The EJS ACT-PD Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Group has provided and continues to provide major input into all study decisions. The treatments tested will be reviewed at regular checkpoints to see whether they appear to be working. Any treatments that do not seem to be working will be replaced by a new treatment, without needing to stop the trial.

Study Benefits:

There are lots of benefits to this type of trial:

Interested Investigators:

For updates, check the EJS ACT-PD website: Get involved | EJS ACT-PD ( 

People with Parkinson's:

For updates, check the EJS ACT-PD website: Get involved | EJS ACT-PD ( 

Previous updates:

1. EJS-ACT PD April 2023.pptx