Parkinson's Clinical Research


Cholinesterase Inhibitor to prevent falls in Parkinson’s

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Chief Investigator: Dr Emily Henderson, Bristol University

Recruiting Sites: Royal United Hospital; Fairfield Hospital; Salford Royal; The Walton Centre NHS FT; Queens Hospital; Christchurch Hospital; Southmead Hospital; Leeds General Infirmary; Musgrove Park Hospital; Yeovil District Hospital; Queen Elizabeth Hospital; Gloucestershire Royal; Peterborough City Hospital; Aberdeen Royal Infirmary; Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital; Ty Llidiard; Derriford Hospital; John Radcliffe Hospital; Ninewells Hospital; Aneurin Bevan University LHB; North Tyneside General Hospital; Royal Derby Hospital; Barnsley Hospital; Charing Cross Hospital; Royal Berkshire Hospital; University Hospital of North Tees; Wrexham Maelor Hospital; Royal Preston Hospital; Ysbyty Gwynedd; The James Cook University Hospital; Royal Albert Edward Infirmary; University College Hospital; Campus for Ageing and Vitality; Leicester General Hospital.

Timeframe: Recruitment ends 31 June 2023

Recruitment Target: 600

Further Information

Study Goal:

The study is exploring whether a drug normally used to treat memory problems could help prevent falls in Parkinson’s. This type of drug is called a Cholinesterase Inhibitor which means it inhibits or reduces the breakdown of certain messengers in the brain. This means the number of these messengers in the brain is increased. The Cholinesterase Inhibitor being investigated is called Rivastigmine.

What's Involved:

Participants either receive the study drug (active) or an identical “dummy” placebo patch. Participants attend appointments and complete a range of questions and physicals assessments. The drug and placebo are administered through a sticky patch stuck to the participants skin. The researchers will analyse whether those taking rivastigmine had fewer falls than those taking the placebo.

Who Can Take Part?

People who:

To keep up to date with the trial, please visit: Chief-PD Website