Parkinson's Clinical Research

Biogen LUMA Study

Testing the drug BIIB122 in People with Parkinson's

Chief Investigator: Prof Huw Morris, Royal Free Hospital, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and UCL Institute of Neurology 

Recruiting Sites: Ninewells Hospital; Glasgow Memory Clinic, NeuroClin Ltd; Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust; Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust; Newcastle University; National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery - Queens Square; University Hospitals Plymouth; Imperial Charing Cross (not yet activated).

Timeframe: planned study end 13 September 2024

UK Recruitment Target:  60

Further Information

Study Goal:

The LUMA study is looking to see if the study drug, BIIB122, can delay the progression of Parkinson's. It is thought that a certain protein could be responsible for the symptoms of Parkinson's. The study drug aims to target this protein and lower its activity within the body. This in turn, may slow the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

This study will look at whether this study drug can slow the progression of Parkinson's in people who haven't had Parkinson's for long. Both people with Parkinson's who have a genetic mutation called LRRK2 and those who do not can participate. 

What's Involved:

People who pass the eligibility checks will be asked if they would like to take part in the study. Participants will undergo a genetic test to see if they have the specific gene mutation, called LRRK2. Half the study participants will take the study drug called BIIB122 and half will take the placebo (fake sugar pill). Participants will be randomised into these two groups, BIIB122 drug vs placebo. Neither the participant or the investigator will know which group they are in. The drug and placebo is in tablet form and will be swallowed. Participants will take the drug or placebo for between 48 - 144 weeks of treatment. Throughout this time they would be asked to attend up to 17 face to face visits and up to 3 remote visits. These visits would include assessments and tests.

Who Can Take Part? 

You may be able to take part if you*:

*The study doctor(s) and their team can meet with you to discuss further details and questions you may have about the study. 

Pre screening website can be found here: Home ( 

Interested Investigators:

To discuss becoming a participating site, contact: the UK PD-CSG coordinator Emma Davies

People with Parkinson's:

If you are interested in taking part, please visit the website here