Parkinson's Clinical Research

Alterity ATH434 MSA Study

ATH434 drug study in Multiple Systems Atrophy 

20. Introduction to ATH434 and Phase 2 2022-Nov to UKPDCSG.pdf

Chief Investigator: Dr Chris Kobylecki, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust

Recruiting Sites: Salford Acute Home Visiting Service; Salford Royal; Campus for Ageing and Vitality; University College Hospital; National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery Queen Square. There are also sites in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, USA.

Timeframe: Recruitment  period is scheduled to end approx. Summer 2024

Recruitment Target: 60

Link to additional information: Alterity Website

Further Information

Study Goal:

Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) is a type of Parkinsonism. Parkinsonism is a term that covers several conditions with symptoms such as slow movement, rigidity and problems with walking. It means that MSA symptoms may appear very similar to Parkinson's but the disease is very different. In MSA, abnormal clumps of a protein called alpha-synuclein form in the support cells (glial cells) in the brain. There is no cure for MSA, instead current treatments are aimed at controlling the symptoms. This study aims to see if the drug, ATH434, can target these abnormal clumps and slow the progression of MSA.

What's Involved:

The study is investigating a new drug called ATH434 in people with Multiple System Atrophy to check if it is safe, tolerated and reaches the target area in the brain. Participants either take ATH434 at a low dose, ATH434 as a higher dose or a placebo (a "fake" pill that looks identical but contains no drug) for 12 months. The pills are swallowed. Participants are asked to complete questionnaires, brain scans and other assessments, and to wear a sensor to track movement.

Who Can Take Part?

Eligibility criteria need to be discussed with a doctor, but some key criteria are: 

Interested Investigators:

To discuss becoming a participating site, contact: or our coordinator Emma Fargher

People with Parkinson's:

Participation Identification Centre (PIC) sites are welcomed. To discuss taking part in the study, contact the study team: