
Our project aims to teach the Sheffield community how to grow your own food at home and why it is important to do that, so that we can become more sustainable and rely at least partially on our own harvest. Therefore we are holding a series of webinars in Autumn 2020/Spring 2021 where experts will explain how to grow food at home, using both traditional and innovative methods, and also what benefits it brings.

Below you can see the webinars that have been confirmed so far. Watch this space for more webinars that we will be adding!

27 November 2020 - recording available

20 January 2021 - recording available

11 March 2021 - recording available

8 April 2021 - recording available

27 May 2021 - recording available

Do you think you have an interesting topic related to growing food that you would like to talk about at a webinar?
Get in touch with us at
j.kalalova@sheffield.ac.uk and we might be able to organise a webinar for you!