How to use the Playbook

The starting point for the design of any teaching is to consider the reasons for including a particular activity as part of the curriculum.

Principally, this is what you hope your students will be able to do as a result of participating, i.e. the learning outcomes. There are reasons beyond the learning outcomes for including alternatives to classroom based learning in an engineering curriculum such as catering for a variety of learning styles, providing texture to a taught curriculum and the opportunity to embed inspirational, enjoyable and tactile learning. There are also operational and environmental aspects of delivering in-lab practicals, such as the team work and ability for students to venture beyond the boundary of the structured activities.

We have identified a list of reasons for delivering a practical teaching activity, learning outcomes and the operation and environmental outcomes such as the examples mentioned above. For, each one, tactics that may or may not be appropriate to apply have been suggested. To structure the content, categories of practical learning outcomes and categories of remote practicals that are used as a framework.

  1. To start, click The Playbook from the menu at the top.

  2. Select a category of practical outcome you are trying to achieve, such as "Demonstrating a concept"

  3. Expand the practical outcome using the downward arrow () to revel suggestions about how to achieve this outcome remotely.

The suggested tactics fall into one of 6 categories. Icons associated with these categories can be clicked to take you to further details and guidance about this category of tactic. These can all be found from the Categories of Remote Practicals link at the top. On the top menu is also a link to a collection of other resources for delivering remote teaching that may be of use.