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International network for gas ion patterning and microscopy

PicoFIB - Advances in Gas-Ion Microscopy


PicoFIB group photo

The PicoFIB Network brings together international researchers with an interest in material manipulation and characterisation using novel gas-ion patterning and microscopy.

It provides a foundation for knowledge exchange, technical training and research development.

Outputs find application across the fields of nano-devices, energy technology and bio-materials.

The Programme runs from 2017 to 2020, comprising a series of exchange visits, training events and international workshops.


Sign-up for occasional news relating to network activity, events and interests. We respect your data and you can unsubscribe at any time.


> Newsletter archives

PicoFIB core tehnologies. Helium, Neon, Xenon gas ion microscopy.

Core Technologies

Helium, Neon, Xenon Gas-Ion Microscopy

PicoFIB network research. Books, papers, poster calls, bids, awards.

Network Research

Books, Papers, Bids, Awards


PicoFIB 2020 in Sheffield

Our annual, international workshop took place at the University of Sheffield in January. It was a busy day of networking, exchanging ideas, and furthering research possibilities. See the Book of Abstracts, the programme and some photos from the event!

Research Visit to Use a New Prototype

Eduardo Serralta, one of our talented PhD students from HZDR, visited Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology to use their new npSCOPE prototype instrument. It's a modified helium ion microscope that combines secondary ion mass spectrometry, scanning transmission helium ion microscopy, and cryomicroscopy. Read more

PhD student Tudor Scheul

Research Visit to UCL to Study He/Ne Ion Microscopy of Black Silicon Nanostructures

PicoFIB enables research collaboration by supporting a series of exchange visits between project partners. PhD student Tudor Scheul from the University of Southampton has benefited from the facilities of UCL/London Centre for Nanotechnology. Read more

"MoS2 Memtransistors Fabricated by Localized Helium Ion Beam Irradiation"

HIM enabled memtransistors! Read more on Just Accepted Manucrips, ASC Nano (Dec 2, 2019).

PicoFIB network PhD Students

Meet the Students!

At the London meeting in February 2019, several talented PhD students presented their work.



University of Sheffield logo
UCL logo
Trinity College Dublin logo
HZDR logo
University of Jyväskylä logo
University of Southampton logo