
Sheffield NanoLAB

University of Sheffield, UK

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The University of Sheffield has one of the largest Materials Science and Engineering Departments in the UK. It is ranked in the UK top five for research excellence. The Department has world-class facilities and scientific expertise for materials characterisation, with electron and ion microscopy facilities including FIB-SEM with environmental imaging, aberration-corrected TEM and energy selective FEGSEM.

Sheffield NanoLAB has developed extensive expertise in 3D FIB, chemical and structural tomography, and in-situ functional characterisation of nanostructures.

Network Role: The University of Sheffield acts as the hub for the PicoFIB Network. Professor Beverley Inkson was the head of the successful UK NanoFIB network (2000-2008) which was the key to developing the UK Ga+FIB technology userbase. She is using this experience to develop the UK expertise in the new He/Ne technologies and elaborate on the scientific Network programme. Within the PicoFIB project, Sheffield plays a key role in correlating FIB ion patterning with materials modification mechanisms, providing world-class electron based structural and chemical analysis, and implementing in-situ functional testing of patterned nanostructures.

Prof Beverley J. Inkson

Professor Beverley J Inkson

Nanostructured Materials

Director of Sheffield NanoLAB

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Phone: +44 (0) 114 222 5925


Dr Cornelia Rodenburg

Dr Cornelia Rodenburg (nee Schönjahn)

Senior Lecturer Materials Science and Engineering

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Phone: +44 (0) 114 222 5921


Dr Amy Gandy

Dr Amy Gandy

Senior Lecturer in Nuclear Materials Engineering

Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Phone: +44 (0)114 222 6036


Kirsi Leinonen, Network Coordinator

Kirsi Leinonen

PicoFIB Network Coordinator

Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Phone: +44 (0)114 222 5494
