2. Recruitment & Induction


A large part of GTA success/effectiveness is their attitude towards the job, and this begins at the recruitment stage.

We recruit GTAs either via word-of-mouth referrals, or a centrally distributed set of adverts. In the advert it is important to stress themes of self-development, responsibility and team culture. This way the applying GTA understands there will be high expectations on them to engage and perform. DL#2.1 is an example advert. 

GTA Website

For additional information and a resource for referral during their time as a GTA, we have a designated GTA Website (DL#2.2 - Googlesite). 


DL#3.3 shows the induction talk (slides) given to the GTA team ahead of the semester.

It describes:

The structure of the training consists of 5 main components that recur many times in a loop, for each lab activity that we teach:

This gets repeated all semester, for the 'n' activities (~dozens) that get taught in the lab.

This recurring, continuous training sits within a bigger picture of development, where GTAs can do additional workshops, develop teaching material, lead teaching sessions, and even engage with scholarship of learning & teaching (SoLT). 

All this allows GTAs to progress to get AFHEA and even FHEA recognition (see page 1).