The Workshop

In the workshop we will ask you to comment on the resources you have looked at and ask you to consider how they impact on your teaching and on the learning experience of your students. We acknowledge that some of the topics here may be sensitive for some participants. If you identify as a member of one or more of the underrepresented groups mentioned in these resources you will not be asked to act as a spokesperson for that group. We also recognise the emotional impact of challenging embedded views of dominant groups and it will not be your responsibility to do so. Facilitators of these sessions will work hard to ensure that all voices are heard and that problematic ideas deriving from embedded racism, sexism, homophobia and ableism are used as learning points and will be unpacked through guided discussion.

ED&I Training for GTAs

These slides will be used in the workshop

Indicative questions which may come up as part of the workshop discussion:

Variations of these questions have been sent to the academics you work with. They should become part of your regular discussions around teaching and learning for an inclusive approach to become truly embedded.