Further ED&I training, University policy and initiatives

ED&I Training

We are proud to have a diverse community of staff and students at our University, and in order to ensure that we enable our members to succeed to their full potential, we want all of our staff to have a baseline knowledge of equality, diversity and inclusion.

The course covers our legal requirements and offers an introduction into how equality, diversity and inclusion can affect our University. It is mandatory for all staff and postgraduate research students.

Our ultimate goal with this module is to equip our staff with the knowledge and tools they need to remove barriers that some people may face, so that more people can reach their full potential in their University journey and feel able to thrive and flourish. 

Training and further information

This playlist on MyDevelopment links to a range of training you can do to support you to make your teaching approaches and spaces neuro-inclusive.

University ED&I policies and values

Details of the key Equality & Diversity policies at the University, which enable us to build an inclusive environment and embed the principles of our Excellence Through Inclusion Strategy. 

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team work collaboratively across the institution to bring about and implement strategic initiatives, actions plans, policies and communication campaigns. Our purpose is to advance equality of opportunity for our staff and students. 

We know that to be a world-class university we must be a truly inclusive university. We are proud of our diverse community and are committed to working together to create a fully inclusive environment where everyone can flourish. 

The University of Sheffield's commitment to a positive and supportive working environment free from harassment, bullying and victimisation. 

Other University initiatives

#WeAreInternational relaunch

The UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) is relaunching #WeAreInternational, a campaign we’re proud to have founded here at Sheffield in conjunction with our Students’ Union. Find out more about the campaign and get involved.