Level 1 Module Choice Information

Online module selection for level 1 students will be available from TBC and will close TBC

Please make sure you have read the Programme Regulations Guide 2024-25 first before selecting your modules.

Our programmes are made up of modules - these are units which focus on a key area of study. Each module has a credit value, and all undergraduate students complete 120 credits per year - usually 60 credits per semester.

English modules at Level 1 can have a value of 20 credits  which run in either semester 1, autumn or semester 2 spring.  Some of our programmes have modules which run over the academic year and are worth 40 credits E.G. EGH117

If you are a Dual student or you have selected to take modules from the list of Guided modules, then please note that some departments offer 10 credit modules.  You should ideally try to take 60 credits’ worth of modules in each of the two semesters.  If you do choose 10 credit modules which result in a 50:70 or 70:50 split, try to make the autumn semester busier than the spring. You must not attempt to make choices which would result in an 80:40 semester split, or anything greater than that. 

Information regarding Guided Modules can also be found in the Programme Regulations Guide

Module Choice Descriptions & 

Screen Casts 2024-25

Please click on a module title below to view the full module description.

You can also select a screen cast to watch a short overview of the module in video format led by the module convenor (these are currently being added to the site).

The tick/cross grid below also indicates which programmes can take each module according to the Programme Regulations Guide 2024-25 *

*Please note: it may still be possible to take a module outside of your programme as a guided module

Autumn 2024-25

Level 1 Autumn Modules 2024-25

Spring 2024-25

Level 1 Spring Modules 2024-25

Further module choice guidance for your chosen programme

Please click on your programme below for further guidance when choosing your modules:

Please note: the modules listed are for 2024-25 academic year and the offering is likely to be different in future years.

The content of our courses is reviewed annually to make sure it's up-to-date and relevant. 

Individual modules are occasionally updated or withdrawn at the end of each academic year.