
What is the attendance process:

Attendance is an important part of meeting the learning outcomes of a module, and of the programme more broadly.

For instance, while you might only be assessed directly on a selection of topics or texts covered in a module, learning outcomes might relate to a breadth of knowledge you are expected to develop.

You can find an overview of the attendance process on the video provided here.

Why must you attendance your scheduled teaching sessions

Alongside these sessions being the key way in which you will engage with your learning and teaching. There is also a regulatory aspect: students are expected to attend all classes, including those which may be captured via Encore or conducted via blackboard, and you commit to that on entering the University. Non-attendance also compromises learning. For international students and those on professional accreditation courses, attendance is monitored and taken into account for visa approval and progression.

What will happen if I don't attend?

If you miss a single session, whilst not ideal, this will not initially trigger further action. You should always highlight to your seminar tutor or lecturer if you're unable to attend. *You must inform your tutor in advance of the session(s) you will miss. * If you have an on-going illness or have a Learning Support Plan, you should contact your personal tutor for advice on the best way to report your absences. Staff will then record an ‘authorised absence’ (unless the circumstances leading to the absence make that impossible e.g. hospitalisation). Absence from timetabled classes will only be authorised in the case of illness, bereavement or other exceptional circumstances.

If you miss a class which has been recorded as ‘unauthorised absence’ you will receive an email asking you to contact your tutor to explain your absence. For repeated non-attendance you will be emailed and advised to make an appointment to see your personal tutor. Repeated non-attendance could indicate a problem, which may or may not be related to your studies, and something which we can help you with. Your personal tutor will discuss the reasons for non attendance and what support we can provide or signpost the student to other sources of support.

If non attendance continues the Subject Director will request a meeting with the student to discuss any further action.

Circumstances in which staff record an ‘unauthorised absence’ include being informed of the absence but where the reason is inadequate, or is not provided, or being informed after the class without good reason.

As a rule of thumb, you should only miss classes where circumstances would have warranted absence from paid employment. Attendance records may be changed where there has been an administrative error such as incorrect entering of data from a signed attendance sheet in class; the record will not normally be changed if a student was present but did not sign an attendance sheet made available in class.

I'm struggling with my studies - who should I talk to?

We understand that due to factors such as your mental or physical health you may not be able to engage with your studies. In which case you should:

  • Contact your personal tutor as soon as possible to update them of your situation.

  • Access the guidance and support services available to you through the University at:

If you are unsure about what the best course of action is, you can contact the department at: