Word Count

Please refer to the assessment rubric for details on the word limit for any given assessment, and the penalties that could apply for exceeding the word limit.

Examiners will take note of the number of words in each essay; insufficient or excessive length will have a lowering effect on their estimate of your performance. No more than 5% above or below the word limit is acceptable for written assignments (e.g. an essay of 3000 words must be no less than 2850 and no more than 3150). Any violation of this word limit will be penalised – in cases where there is excessive violation (e.g. more than 20% deviation) then the work may be failed and a resubmission required.

All word-limits are inclusive of quotations, but not the bibliography or footnotes. You MUST append a word-count for all assessed essays. Failure to submit or adhere to a word-count may lead to a lower mark.