What is ENCORE?

Encore is the Lecture Capture service in use by the University of Sheffield. Up-to-date information about what it is, what it means for you as a student and where to get help and support can be found on the university website: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cics/encore/students

You can also watch a video introduction to Lecture Capture here: https://vimeo.com/362521206

Lecture Attendance and Encore

Attending classes is a vital part of your education in the School of English. Lectures – whether delivered formally or in a more interactive format – are one of the key ways in which you will encounter the core knowledge and grasp the fundamental skills required on your modules and degree more broadly. Attendance at all classes, including lectures, is therefore mandatory.

In order to help you learn from your lectures as effectively as possible, the University has invested in Encore, a lecture capture service. Encore enables you to attend to ideas more closely in your lectures; you can take less hurried notes, listen and participate more fully in the lecture session knowing that you can return later to a full recording of it after it has been delivered. Hence the name “Encore”: a repetition, a return, a recapitulation.

What Encore is not is an online lecture delivery service and it should in no way be regarded as a substitute for attending lectures. The latest research into the effects of lecture capture in education has shown that students who stop attending lectures and rely solely on lecture recordings typically attain lower grades than those who first attend the live lecture event and then also use the lecture capture software. Students who attend lectures and then use Encore are, by definition, more reflective learners; they use lecture recordings as a means of refining their notes, returning to ideas, filling gaps or uncertainties. Such reflective learning is key to the successful completion of your degree in the School of English.

Remember when lecture captures are available it is important that you use them effectively to enhance your learning:

  1. Attend lectures: attendance at all classes is mandatory, and students who attend tend to get better grades.

  2. Use the captures to supplement your studies. Dip into the parts you need to enhance your knowledge and understanding.

  3. Don’t wait until a few days before the examination to use the captures. Space your learning throughout the semester to enhance your knowledge and understanding.

  4. Don’t binge watch! Again, spacing your learning across the semester is a more effective approach.

  5. Watch at normal speed: if you speed the recording up you might miss key information.

  6. Captions for videos are not perfect and often contain errors. If using captions, we ask students to please use their best judgement, and to also consult with the lecturer if there is any doubt about words and ideas from online videos

Sessions may not be recorded due to a variety of reasons, e.g. the nature of the session, the sensitive nature of the content, the use of unpublished research. We will let you know in individual modules what is and is not being recorded.

For top tips on making the most of Lecture Capture, use the helpful Guide for Students.