Submitting Assessed Work

Punctual Submission of Work

Times and dates for the submission of assessed work, including your Dissertation, must be punctually observed. As soon as you know you might have difficulties in submitting on time you should request an extension via the online extension request form. A link to this will be provided at a later date. You can speak to the MA Assessment Officer (Dr Valarie Hobbs) to discuss any problems you are having. Extensions are only granted in exceptional situations and must be supported by documentary evidence such as a doctor’s note whenever possible. Extensions will not normally be granted for deadline clashes or computer problems, unless an extended deadline is agreed by the Assessment Officer.

You must make sure to submit your work via Turnitin, by the 12 noon deadline on the date set. Late submission will result in a deduction of 5% of the total mark awarded for up to 5 working days after the submission date. The 5 working day deadline for late submission is absolute and any work submitted after the 5 working day period without a special dispensation will receive a zero.

The School office is open 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday, and if you have any queries you can call in or contact them via email at


Assessments cannot be submitted late, or extensions granted, because of word processing problems. You are recommended to: (a) save your work to your University network account; (b) to back up copies of all material (e.g. onto a memory stick); (c) leave enough time for printing. If you are prevented from printing out work owing to a failure of the University computer network, late submission of assessment may be accepted on provision of a dated statement from the University’s Corporate Information and Computing Services (CICS).

Submitting Assessed Work

Standard practice is that all written assignments are submitted online. Unless otherwise stated, submission times will be 12 noon on the day of the deadline. Computer problems will not be accepted as an excuse for missing a deadline. If you have any technical difficulties with your submission, you must email quoting the module name and code (e.g. Lit 234 Renaissance Literature). When your assignment is marked, you can expect to receive comments on the following: your general performance in the assignment; presentation and style; areas to improve.

Instructions on submitting assessments via Turnitin can be found in a document in the "Downloads" box to the right of this page. Students should include their registration number in the "Submission title" box on Turnitin. If an assignment is submitted after the stated deadline then the assignment will be considered to be late and will be penalised accordingly. Students are advised to download and retain an electronic receipt for Turnitin submissions.

You need to plan your work carefully to meet course deadlines without neglecting other study. You should make yourself a semester calendar, looking out for submission dates and carefully plan your time in order to maintain regular study and meet seminar commitments. You may find it appropriate to complete some assessed work before the deadline: this will also help you to avoid exceptionally busy periods in the computer rooms.

It is important that you keep copies of ALL your work.

How to submit through Turnitin

For help and guidance on with Turnitin, please view "Uploading assessments to Turnitin".

It is your responsibility to check that your work has loaded to Turnitin. You should check your work has loaded as soon as you submit it, using the instructions "How to Check Turnitin has Loaded".