Effective and Inclusive Group Work

Work Package 3 

Workstream Lead

Rachel Horn 

Staff training and resources for facilitating group work

Working with staff and students on developing guidance for staff on how to design group project module activities to introduce teamwork and build in training and to enable formative assessment and monitoring of progress, including how to spot and support under-performing groups. 

Student training in team working

Working with students to co-develop good practice and training resources for students on team working. This will consider team working styles, introductory team working activities, student observation and reflection. This project will build on previous work in the Faculty (BIT project - Behaviours in Teams), and effective use of the Buddycheck tool (based on CATME) to drive team-working behaviours. 

Building better groups

To develop technology which facilitates assigning students to groups based on particular characteristics. To test if there is an ideal balance of self-selecting and purposefully mixed groups that will provide a diverse environment where individuals feel they belong as a single unit and the assessment outcomes can be achieved.

Better assessment of group work

DiCE will deliver assessment principles for group work that will drive inclusive and collaborative behaviours.