Growing a Diversity Confident Academic Community

Work Package 2

Workstream Leads

Rachel Smith , Heidi Christensen 

Staff training and resources for diversity confidence

DiCE will co-develop reusable training materials which will support personal tutorials, group work and teaching with external experts and students, building on the materials developed by students. The Train-the-trainers model for selected staff will encourage sustainability of the project, as they will continue to deliver to others and role model strong diversity behaviours. 

Tutorial discussions for diversity confident students

To develop a bank of training materials and resources to be used by personal tutors to deliver inclusion-focused tutorials. In semester 1, we created a session plan for all personal tutors to use with their first year students in small groups. In semester 2, we are running larger sessions where students and tutors take part in inclusion-focused activities. These sessions are facilitated by a member of the DiCE team. The sessions focus on ethics and the importance of diversity and inclusion. 

Early interventions and group activities

We adapted group activities for ‘intro week’ to focus more on inclusion and help new students develop inclusive team working skills. These sessions ran for all first year engineering students. The sessions aimed to break down barriers early, to introduce students to diverse groups and improve the sense of belonging of minoritised groups. We created reusable resources that can be used with future cohorts and that can be referred back to throughout a student’s learning journey.

Support and expectations for student societies

We have developed a range of online resources which will help students leading CCAs (Co-Curricular Activities) and societies to ensure that their activities that they run are open to all students . In addition to this, we have set up a CCA  Equality, Diversity and Inclusions committee where all of the inclusivity committee members of all CCAs are able to meet and discuss issues that they are facing with the support of staff members from the Faculty of Engineering.