Our Staff

The school has over over 120 staff, across Academic, Professional Services and Technical roles, who all contribute to our international reputation as one of the world’s leading departments for education and research. For a full list of staff, please see here.

This chart shows the current structure of the Department, across Teaching, Research, Professional Services and Technical staff.

The department is home to leading academics from a range of Architectural specialisms. In addition, we have a wide range of Research Students within the Department. Our academic staff page on the main University website details staff research and teaching interests. 

Academic and teaching staff are allocated at least one administrative role in leading teaching, research or external activities. These roles are allocated a Workload Planning Framework tariff (number of hours) which is determined by the Executive Committee and in line with the expected total effort required to support that activity.

Our Technical Team ensure the smooth running of our studio and media lab space, as well as providing IT and TEL support. Although the team are mostly student facing, they do also offer support to staff. Technical staff are based on floor 15 and IT Support is located on floor 18.

We have a team of Professional Services staff who support the learning and teaching, research and other activities in the Department. Staff in the team work closely with academic, teaching, research and technical staff in the Department. Activities covered by the team include admissions, finance, human resources, student support, learning and teaching support, learning technology, marketing, reception, research, strategy and studio management.  The majority of PS staff are located on floor 13.

We also have a Print and Make Workshop, which is located below the Arts Tower car park (open Monday - Friday / 8.30am - 4pm) and ran by four members of our staff. You can find out more about this here.

This chart shows the current structure across Professional Services and Technical staff.

The taught courses that are offered by the department can be found below: