Cognos Analytics 11

Cognos 10 End of Life

As of January 17, 2023, the college will begin using Cognos Analytics 11 (Cognos 11) as our official Business Intelligence (BI) system. After that date, will point to Cognos 11 instead of Cognos 10.

How do I Use Cognos 11?

IBM provides a wealth of documentation for Cognos Analytics 11. Here are some highlights:

What's New in Cognos 11

Getting Started



Visit the official IBM Cognos site for full Cognos 11 documentation.

Important changes to BI data access policy

For security purposes, Cognos 11 will only be available on the internal campus network. You will be able to access Cognos 11 from off Campus using VPN and our Remote Desktop Server (Windows users only). Visit this Working From Home page for more details on using VPN.

What if I need a report from Cognos 10?

The Cognos server will not be shut down for a few months to allow for a smooth transition, but will no longer be accessible to personnel outside of the IT team. If you need information from Cognos 10, please submit a request to the IT Support Portal. Note that Cognos 10 requests will be given low priority due to the long transition and testing period and ample communication about the End of Life timeline.