
updated on 2020年5月20日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!

Online Lesson (2) “Why do we celebrate?” (from May 6 to May 27)

Comprehensive Input Period (May 6 - 12) - see below

“Let Me Try, too!” Practice Period (May 13 - 20) - see below

“Share My Skills!” Production & Reflection Period (May 20 - May 27) - see below

“Share My Skills!” Production & Reflection Period (May 20 - 27)


  • Control written texts by using accurate & appropriate structures of Japanese.

  • Become more comfortable with “holidays and festivals” related vocabulary.

  • Describe your predications about traditional activities in this new normal age.

  • Share your accomplishments from this unit and reflect on each task and answering essential questions with your own words in English/Japanese.

How to create collapsible texts


(1) What’s your predictions about our new normal cultures? How shall we keep our traditional values together, yet apply new normal mindsets to those traditions? You are going to respond to the following statements in Q & A styles. You must include essential aspects to comprehend your response. Also, you must use level appropriate and accurate structures for your responses (including spelling) – this is your final performance task!

(2) Before thinking about your responses, you need to learn how to create collapsible texts in your digital portfolio. Collapsible text boxes can help condense large blocks of text, like content on FAQ. Check the attached video and try how to make the collapsible text boxes in your digital portfolio.

(3) Check the following [hypothetical] statements in Japanese. If you are not familiar with kanji and/or vocabulary (or seek appropriate vocabulary, check Quizlet (7.1). For each statement, you need to provide your response: predictions, interpretations, suggestions, or explanations. You must also provide reasons for your responses. Of course, you need to respond to all questions in Japanese.

To make a collapsible text box, enter each statement (copy & paste) in “Heading” in the collapsible text and you enter your response below the heading. You can change the font size based on your digital portfolio design.

I recommend you to finish writing all your responses first in Google Doc so it will be easier for you to create collapsible text boxes by copying & pasting. Here is a template you can use. Make sure to make a copy so you can type in.

Keep these things in your mind while answering:

  • What’s your predictions about our new normal cultures? – like weddings, funerals, birthday parties, local festivals? How do we keep our traditional values together, yet apply new normal aspects to those traditions? How can new normals overcome people’s fear? How does fear control your life, what if?

  • Where is our society heading around large gatherings?

  • What’s people’s mindset now?

  • How will our food cultures change? Family style eating? Buffet style restaurants?

  • Will digitalization replace face-to-face celebrations like festivals? A new YouTube era is coming? VR?

  • How can we come up with a different way of celebrating something you already celebrated in the past? Or should we?

  • What’s your new values you discovered since the pandemic occurred?

Here are statements. Check Quizlet for unfamiliar kanji and/or vocabulary.

  • 私は、来年1月に16才になります。私の父と母は、私のために大きくて伝統的な16才のためのパーティをしたいと言っています。たとえば、ダンスをしたり、バフェスタイルの食事をしたり、ケーキをきって食べたり、ゲームをしたり、するつもりです。でもコロナの影響で、友だちは、パーティに来たくないかもしれません。どんなパーティをしたら友だちも楽しいと思いますか。アドバイスをください。でも Zoomパーティはしたくないです。

  • 日本のお祭りはどうなると思いますか。伝統的なお祭りや季節の行事はなくなると思いますか。

  • サンフランシスコもストリートフェスティバルは、変わると思いますか。来年のさくらまつりは、どうなりますか。 日本人とアメリカ人とコロナの後の考えはちがうと思いますか。

  • 私は、来年留学をしに日本へ行こうと思っています。日本の家族の習慣やお祭りにきょうみがあって、ホストファミリーの家でホームステイもするつもりです。家族とお正月をけいけんしたいですが、日本のお正月は、どうなりますか。はつもうでや、ふくぶくろはありますか。新しい習慣ができると思いますか。コロナの後の日本のお正月はどんなお正月になると思いますか。

  • なつやすみが終わったら、8月に学校へ帰ります。でも知らないクラスメートと教室で話したり、ひるごはんに友だちとごはんを食べたり、ハグしたり、するのがちょっとこわいです。学校の生活はどう変わると思いますか。

(4) Digital Portfolio – after finishing your final performance tasks on your digital portfolio with your reflections (including your answers for essential questions), check the instructions below to make your portfolio easy to navigate.

A. The newest entry ALWAYS goes to the top. Check your digital portfolio and, if it’s necessary, re-organize all entries in the chronological order.

B. Make sure that ALL entries have a date and a title. Hard to see dates & titles? Make them bigger!

C. How about reflections? Check FIVE questions in the PINK digital portfolio handout. Did you answer all the questions for each entry?

D. Now, let’s check videos / Google Doc, anything you embedded in your digital portfolio. This is very important. Some students didn't do it right, so we can’t view some videos / documents.

        1. First – publish your website. Then, copy your published site link.

        2. Second – log out all SFUSD google apps (including mail), and insert the link to see your site. That’s how people view your digital portfolio.

        3. Third – before going back to work on your digital portfolio again, check to see if a video is NOT aligned (the “play” icon must be in the middle of your video!). How about your Google Doc documents – you need to allow people to view your document – outside of SFUSD. If you need to change your video size, you need to manipulate numbers to make it smaller or larger.

So, now you know how people can view your digital portfolio. Edit your digital portfolio accordingly (above A-D). Make sure to layout them nicely. The quality of your digital portfolio is also a part of your grade. Is it easy to navigate? Well organized? Are all documents / videos viewable to the audience. Now, you can publish it again.

updated on 2020年5月13日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!

“Let Me Try, too!” Practice Period (May 13-20)


  • Exchange information about favorite festivals in Japan and their values for celebration.

  • Describe your ideas about traditional values which represent “日本的” in festivals and annual events in Japan.

  • Compare and contrast values of celebrations (festivals) in Japan and San Francisco.

  • Start observing our daily lives to see any positive changes happening during the age of covid-19 – what’s your new normal to celebrate with others for better together?

Activities: (no google slides for this week)

(1) Review all your designs in your Culture Note section with vocabulary from Quizlet. (Self-Assessment)

(2) Take “Match” games from this unit Quizlet (7-1 and 7-2) as many times as you can. Top 5 student participants from each set will receive extra credit for Learning Award (essential knowledge). YOUR NAME must be identified somehow on the Quizlet (not necessary to be a “full” name). Your “totally unknown” name will NOT give you extra credit since I cannot identify that’s you. You may want to change your profile’s name accordingly. The NEW deadline is 9:00PM on Friday, May 22. (Interpretive) (note) once you are in the top 5 for a set, then you will not get the extra credit for any other set. If you happen to be in the top five for another set then the person below you will be included in the top 5 and get that extra credit. There are 2 sets so this mean up to 10 people will earn extra credit.

(3) Take the online comprehension check quiz via the Google Form – Holidays, Festivals and Vocabulary. Make sure to review all new vocabulary first. You can take this quiz only once. Click here for this online comprehension quiz. You must take this quiz by Friday (May 22). (Interpretive)

(4) Share ONE of your favorite festivals in Japan (not holidays). Find an image and write simple descriptions (what they do) and concepts (why they do) in Japanese in Padlet by Wednesday, May 20, so everyone can read yours and make comments by Friday, May 22. Check images from others and make comments & ask questions (respond to questions) in Japanese. You must respond to all questions / comments in your post. You are required to use various structures to describe your favorite festival. Think thoroughly before posting it. Check the Padlet below or go to the site here. (Interpersonal)

(5) Think & Share. Observe many aspects of our daily lives during the age of covid-19 physically and digitally.

Are there any emotional impacts on social changes since this pandemic occurred? In spite of uncertainty, how are people trying to celebrate or honor our current lives with our new normal? What’s in our mindset under the age of “new-normal”?

On another Padlet page, post your thoughts in English about any changes in people’s mind during the pandemic time. Please post yours by Wednesday, May 20. You are welcome to ask further questions / make positive comments, but not necessary. All in English for this Padlet. Check other people’s thoughts and reflect on yours. This assignment is related to your performance task next week. Check the Padlet below or go to the site. (Self-Assessment)

  • Online work (2) (3) (4) (5) - check new deadlines!

  • Self-Study (1)

AP students!


Testing Date - 1:00 pm (pacific time) on Tuesday, May 19 (Check details here!)

  1. Check this testing guide 2020 (2020 AP exam in general)

  2. Check the world language testing guide. (2020 World Language exam)

  3. Watch this video: Exam Walkthrough (2020 AP World Language exam)

  4. 2020 AP Japanese exam sample (no audio, prompts only)

  5. AP Exam Day Checklist.

  6. Q&A for taking AP World Language exams in 2020.

  7. Exam Demo (it says, after May 11 for world language exams)

Download the APP now! I used the app today. No count-down timer!!!! You should provide a silent count-down timer to make sure that you won't talk too long!!

Assignments by Sunday, May 17 (Don't study on May 18 & 19th! Relax!)

  • THREE Cultural Presentations - select one familiar topic and two unfamiliar topics for the last practice! Organize your outline and record your speech via vocaroo.

  • Conversations - 2013 and 2015 - two prompts this week.

  1. go to this site to check sample tests. You will see questions from previous years.

  2. when you click "Speaking Audio Prompts" under Questions from each year, you can find an audio file for "conversation." You can download it to your computer for your convenience. Use 2013 and 2015 this week. you are welcome to listen to each audio before recording, but you cannot take any notes. No outline.

  • Check the sample phrase list and think about how to respond. Use sample phrases!!

  • Both cultural presentations (3 pieces) and conversations (2 pieces) - record all your responses via vocaroo. Do NOT write scripts, please. You can redo it if you want. Once you finish, share all links with sensei via EMAIL (

Check the sample phrase list here. (you have the same handout)

updated on 2020年5月6日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!

Comprehensive Input Period (May 6-12)


  • Become familiar with new vocabulary via Quizlet.

  • Search on “日本的” reasons why festivals and annual events in Japan are celebrated.

  • Identify the essence of celebrations in Japan (three key concepts).

  • Research on festivals and annual activities in SF to find common values among those local events to represent the essence of San Francisco. What elements do we value as サンフランシスコ的?

  • Create designs for your presentational tasks while reviewing vocabulary and level appropriate structures for your final presentations.

Activities: (no google slides for this week)

(1) Before working on any activities for this unit, please remember this is your last unit to demonstrate your current skills and knowledge of Japanese. There isn’t a list of suggested structures that you could use. You will apply your own knowledge and skills for completing all assignments for this unit. Keep your conscious mind open and seek best possibilities for all your tasks. Your work must be level appropriate and original!

(2) Read the articles below and watch videos and think about concepts of holidays / festivals in Japan. You need at least THREE key concepts to describe the essence of celebrations in Japan. While designing your concepts in your “Culture Note” section, check Quizlet for appropriate terms. Organize your designs in Japanese mostly. (Self-Assessment)

(3) How about all festivals and activities / events in San Francisco? Do they have similar values (concepts behind) like traditional festivals / holidays in Japan? Do purposes of having those festivals and events represent the essence of San Francisco? What’s the essence (characters) of San Francisco? What & Why does San Francisco continue fighting for / celebrating for? Check the history of San Francisco & recent statements / implementations by SF Mayor Breed. organize your ideas of how SF has become so San Francisco (サンフランシスコ的)? Organize your ideas in your “Culture Note” section in Japanese (mostly). Use Quizlet for San Francisco Traditions for appropriate terms. (Self-Assessment)

(4) After creating those designs, review structures we have covered. Find structure documents on the remote resource page, and just think which structures you can apply for upcoming presentation. No writing, please. Just start thinking.

  • Notebook work (2) (3)

  • Online work – practice vocabulary with Quizlet and check structures on the resource page.

AP students!


Testing Date - 1:00 pm (pacific time) on Tuesday, May 19 (Check details here!)

  1. Check this testing guide 2020 (2020 AP exam in general)

  2. Check the world language testing guide. (2020 World Language exam)

  3. Watch this video: Exam Walkthrough (2020 AP World Language exam)

  4. 2020 AP Japanese exam sample (no audio, prompts only)

  5. AP Exam Day Checklist.

  6. Q&A for taking AP World Language exams in 2020.

  7. Exam Demo (it says, after May 11 for world language exams)

Assignments by Tuesday, May 12 (let me know if you need more time.)

  • Cultural Presentations - need to work on your outline document (Google Doc) with possible aspects / examples. Here is the original document. Complete 3 UNFAMILIAR topics in Japanese. - then record your speech.

  • Conversations - 2010, 2012, 2017 - three prompts this week.

  1. go to this site to check sample tests. You will see questions from previous years (2007-2018)

  2. when you click "Speaking Audio Prompts" under Questions from each year, you can find an audio file for "conversation." You can download it to your computer for your convenience. Use 2010, 2012 and 2017 this week. you are welcome to listen to each audio before recording, but you cannot take any notes. No outline.

  • Check the sample phrase list and think about how to respond. Use sample phrases!!

  • Both cultural presentations (3 pieces) and conversations (3 pieces) - record all your responses via vocaroo. Do NOT write scripts, please. You can redo it if you want. Once you finish, share all links with sensei via EMAIL ( I will reply to your email with my comments and score.

Check the sample phrase list here. (you have the same handout)

For all the work you did in your notebook this week, take pictures and insert them in Google Doc and submit the doc document via Google Classroom (by Wed, May 13).

updated on 2020年4月26日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!

Online Lesson (1) "Is this real Japanese" (from April 13 to May 1)

Read the lesson plan first and think (imagine) what you are going to learn and how you proceed your "online" study. Both AP and JPN3H students will work on this lesson. AP students will have additional HWs for AP test practice.

Comprehensive Input Period (April 13 - 17) - see below

“Let Me Try, too!” Practice Period (April 20 - 24) - see below

“Share My Skills!” Production & Reflection Period (April 27 - May 1) - see below

“Share My Skills!” Production & Reflection Period (April 27 - May 1)


  • Demonstrate your skills and knowledge of newly learned structures in your performing tasks.

  • Describe your interpretation of essential elements for “so Japanese” in Japanese cuisine with supporting evidences.

  • Design a “fusion” dish, using one or more of the Japanese culinary elements, mixed with other ethnic food (it has to be your original. No exiting fusion foods, please.)

  • Exchange conversations about favorite restaurants in San Francisco.

  • Share your accomplishments from this unit and reflect on your distance-learning experiences (and answer essential questions with your own words in English/Japanese.)

(1) Design a “fusion” dish, using one or more of the Japanese culinary elements that you think are essential. Think about one Japanese dish that has the important aspect(s). Now, you are going to modify the recipe of the dish with other ethnic ingredients and/or appearance: creating a fusion dish (here is a good example of a “fusion” dish: Sushi burrito). You have two choices to present your performing task. (see options below)

      1. Select one Japanese dish that has essential elements in Japanese cuisine (you think) and review ingredients and a recipe of the dish. Now, pick one ethnic dish of your choice to create a fusion dish. Since you will not actually cook this fusion dish, your wild imagination will be welcome, but the combined elements are unique yet realistic. You can’t use already existing fusion dishes.

      2. Design your concept (an image of the fusion dish). You can draw the design by hand / computer. Your image must show how you combine elements of different culinary traditions and the Japanese dish.

      3. Take a picture of the conceptual design of your “fusion” dish. Practice your speech prior to recording it. Introduce the conceptual ideas of your dish, then explain how to cook the dish. Demonstrate your skills and knowledge of newly learned structures. Think well with possible structure usage.

      • (low tech) after creating your outline for this presentation, use to complete this presentation (then embed the link with the image of the fusion dish to your digital portfolio). Concepts & Recipe

      • (high tech) use the Adobe Sparks for the video presentation. Upload the image to Adobe Spark for your presentation and create the presentation. Embed the video presentation in your digital portfolio. Concepts & Recipe

      • Your performing task will be graded based on the provided rubric. It must be your ORIGINAL work. If you receive “NON-Passing” grade with any reason including suspicion of using online / other assistance, you will have to revise and upload it to your digital portfolio by a new deadline.

(2) Upload an image of your favorite restaurant in San Francisco to Padlet and add comments why you think the restaurant is “good.” Make sure to define “being good” with your own words. Exchange conversations while making comments and asking further questions. You MUST upload your comments by Thursday, April 30, so everyone else can view your post and make comments / ask questions. You must respond to those comments / questions by Sunday May 3rd. Try to use newly learned structures. Here is the link to Padlet!

(3) Describe your interpretation of essential elements in Japanese cuisine. What makes Japanese dishes so Japanese (Japanesque / Japanese-ly, whatever you prefer) for you? Design your concepts in your “OPA” section, with essential vocabulary in Japanese. During your presentation, you MUST provide specific examples to support your concepts of Japanese cuisine. Start your presentation with a topic statement such as “私の日本料理の日本的なコンセプトをしょうかいします。” Then, describe each concept with supporting evidences. Demonstrate your level-appropriate skills and knowledge of structures. Your performing task will be graded based on the provided rubric. It must be your ORIGINAL work. If you receive “NON-Passing” grade with any reason including suspicion of using online / other assistance, you will have to revise and upload it to your digital portfolio by a new deadline. (see options below)

      • (low tech) after creating your outline for this presentation, use to complete this presentation (then embed the link to your digital portfolio).

      • (high tech) Use the Adobe Sparks for the video presentation. Search appropriate images for your presentation and create the presentation. Embed the video presentation in your digital portfolio.

(4) Upload the evidence to your digital portfolio with your reflections. You also need to include your opinions (answers) for the essential questions for this unit in English. Follow this guideline to have successful performing tasks for this unit.

      1. Create a new post (entry) called “日本的な食べ物” with date.

      2. Embed your evidence(s) and add thorough reflections for the evidence in English / some Japanese.

      3. Answer essential questions from this unit and describe your experiences about the first distance-learning unit. Your honest / reflective opinions with CLEAR examples will be helpful for us to improve.

      4. All other online assessments should be uploaded to your digital portfolio. All of them are evidences of your efforts for this unit. Make sure to layout them nicely.

      5. Check all images, documents and videos (too large? too small? formatted incorrectly?). The quality of your digital portfolio is also a part of your grade. Is it easy to navigate? Well organized? Are all documents / videos viewable to the audience? Log out your SFUSD account and check your web site. That’s how other people can view your site.

No assignments to submit via Google Classroom. Your Digital Portfolio Only.

updated on 2020年4月19日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!

“Let Me Try, too!” Practice Period (April 20-24)


  • Comprehend useful structures for describing how to cook in Japanese

  • Comprehend essential elements & historical backgrounds of Japanese style cooking.

  • Create recipes with additional information (comments and suggestions)

  • Find information about your favorite restaurant in San Francisco and define what make the restaurant “good.” What do you mean by “good”? What values do you seek for restaurants?

  • Become more confident with goals from the “Comprehensive Input” period.


(1) Read articles (click titles below) / watch videos about Japanese cuisine and organize your ideas of essential elements of Japanese foods with appropriate examples to support your ideas. Design your ideas in English with keywords in Japanese. Create these design in the “Cultural Note” in your notebook. (Interpretive) Click here for more general about Japanese foods.

(2) Learn some useful structures and expressions for describing how to cook and complete exercises in the HW section in your notebook. (Self-Assessment) Click here for this week's Google Slides. Salmon Pink pages are for the HWs.

(3) Take “Match” games from this unit Quizlet (6-1, 6-2, 6-3) as many times as you can. Top 5 student participants from each set will receive extra credit for Learning Award (essential knowledge). YOUR NAME must be identified somehow on the Quizlet (not necessary to be a “full” name). Your “totally unknown” name will NOT give you extra credit since I cannot identify that’s you. You may want to change your profile’s name accordingly. The deadline is 9:00PM on Friday, April 24 (new date). (Interpretive) (note) once you are in the top 5 for a set, then you will not get the extra credit for any other set. If you happen to be in the top five for another set then the person below you will be included in the top 5 and get that extra credit. There are 3 sets so this mean up to 15 people will earn extra credit.

(4) Take an interpretive comprehension check about common ingredients , Japanese style cooking and related structures. Review all vocabulary and related structures. Listening, Reading, Writing. You can take it only once on Thursday or Friday this week. Click here to take the quiz. (Interpretive)

(5) Write a recipe of your favorite dish (any cuisine) in the Writing Sample section in your notebook. You need to use new vocabulary and useful structures. You need to include a list of ingredients and kitchen utensils. Check this week's Google Slides (Presentational - practice)

(6) Conduct online search about your favorite restaurant in San Francisco: types of cuisine, location, price, public review, and your reason why the restaurant is “good.” You need to define your concept of “being good” for dining experiences. What do you mean by a good restaurant? Atmosphere? Taste? Concept? Service? Price? Organize your information in the “Cultural Note” section, and search some keywords in Japanese. Be ready to share information with classmates. (Interpersonal)

(7) Review new vocabulary and structures for this unit. Review your designs from Activity (1) – essential information for next week (Self-Assessment)

  • Notebook work (1) (2) (5) (6)

  • Online work (3) (4)

All the work you did in your notebook this week, take pictures and insert them in Google Doc and submit the doc document via Google Classroom.

That's your "Self-Assessment" grade for this week. Don't forget the online work, too!

AP Students!

This week, we will (1) explore possible topics for the Cultural Perspective Presentation section of AP Japanese and (2) take three sample tests for the conversation section. Since (legally) I cannot download & upload any materials from the College Board site, I need to ask you to follow this instructions to use the site for sample practice:

  1. go to this site to check sample tests. You will see questions from previous years (2007-2018)

  2. when you click "Speaking Audio Prompts" under Questions from each year, you can find an audio file for "conversation." You can download it to your computer for your convenience. We will use 2007, 2008 and 2009 this week.

  3. you are welcome to listen to each audio before recording, but you cannot take any notes. No outline. Check the sample phrase list and think about how to respond to each statement/question.

  4. While playing the audio, I want you to record all your responses (four times total) via vocaroo. Yes, leave vocaroo on while listening to each statement. You cannot stop recording. Do NOT write scripts, please. You can redo it if you want. Once you finish, share each link with sensei via EMAIL ( I will reply to your email with my comments and score. Text me via Remind if you have a question. The deadline will be enforced.

  5. for the activity (1), check this Google Doc and make your copy (under "File") and share the file with me ( All instructions are in the google doc. This will be an "ongoing" assignment. Click here for the document.

Check the sample phrase list here. (you have the same handout)

updated on 2020年4月12日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!

Comprehensive Input Period (April 13-17)


  • Become familiar with new vocabulary via Quizlet.

  • Comprehend concepts of unfamiliar structures in reading materials & PowerPoint.

  • Become familiar with popular Japanese dishes, procedures and common ingredients.

  • Search on “Looks-Good” Japanese home cooking foods on Japanese websites.

  • Comprehend the grading policy and distance learning procedures.


(1) While watching cooking shows and reading recipes, become familiar with culinary words and associated verbs and adjectives. Check the Quizlet for new vocabulary for this unit. Practice them with Flashcards and use other functions in Quizlet. You can create your own flashcards to practice! – offline work is good, too! (Self-Assessment)

FIRST, become familiar with "cooking." Just watch videos / read recipes and learn about "cooking" in general.

Use this FURIGANA site to read / watch authentic cooking websites. Here are some recommended sites:

Second, check the Quizlet and learn vocabulary related to cooking. Don't try to memorize them. Become familiar with them. Click here for the Quizlet site.

Third, go to this site and check your knowledge. Self-Study only. No grading. Go back to Quizlet to learn more words!

(2) Design essential elements about any unfamiliar structures you found in the cooking recipes & videos. Create the designs with useful structures for making a recipe in your Grammar Diary section of your notebook. Look at least THREE recipes from any of the above web sites. Imagine that you are cooking those dishes. To describe the recipes, which structures can be used most efficiently? Make designs for useful & level appropriate structures for recipes. [ie: 前に、後で、ながら、_やすい、_にくい、たほうがいい、ないほうがいい and more!!] You will share your designs later. (Self-Assessment)

(3) While watching cooking shows and other resources, identify common seasonings for TRADITIONAL Japanese foods and categorize which main seasonings are used for common Japanese dishes. Draw your designs in your “Culture Note” section of your notebook. What's common ingredients for TRADITIONAL JAPANESE FOODS. You will share your designs later. (Self-Assessment)

(4) Describe how to make one popular Japanese dish by watching a cooking video as you review new vocabulary and structures. Type your “recipe” in Japanese in Google Form. Use level appropriate structures and vocabulary. Your simple recipe should include some recommendations for cooking as well. You must finish this writing HW by Friday, April 17 as a formative assessment. Google Form (Interpretive).

(5) Browse around Japanese cooking websites and find some “おいしそうな” Japanese foods. While reviewing ingredients and simple recipes, share the image, along with your opinions about the dishes via Padlet. Exchange conversations by making comments and asking further questions. (Interpersonal) - tips: you need to click the arrow to upload your comments. Answer all the questions/Make comments in your post.

(6) Review vocabulary and useful structures of your choice (level appropriate). Check the goals for this week!!

All the work you did in your notebook this week, take pictures and insert them in Google Doc and submit the doc document via Google Classroom.

That's your "Self-Assessment" grade for this week. Check Google Classroom.

AP Students!

Using your "文化の違い" designs in your notebook, deliver your presentations via Vocaroo by Friday, April 17. Use blank templates to organize your 5 aspects or examples for each design (total 3 presentations). You also need to present your own view or perspective (use a simple adjective as your opinion). You can use more than 4 minutes to prepare, however your speech must be from 100 seconds to 120 seconds (close to 2 minutes). Do NOT write scripts, please. Use your outline and practice with it as many times as you need. Once you finish, share each link with sensei via EMAIL ( I will reply to your email with my comments and score. Text me via Remind if you have a question. The deadline will be enforced.

Check the sample phrase list here. (you have the same handout)

updated on 2020年4月6日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!

Before we start our distance learning class,

It's been three weeks since the school closures started. I hope you are doing well and staying healthy. We are going to start our distance learning class this coming week, but many of us are still not sure what to expect and how we learn & earn a grade. Please read the guidelines and expectations with your parents, so we all are on the same page.

Our Ultimate Goals during this distance-learning period;

    • to complete all assignments so that you acquire your communication skills and more knowledge of Japanese cultures in Japanese and improve your grade for this semester. Please note that you may not earn a desirable grade if no or little successful work is submitted by you.

    • to continue improving your Japanese so that you are able to successfully move onto the next level in the Japanese program next school year. If you are in the 1st year Japanese, you must become fluent in both Hiragana and Katakana otherwise you will not able to take the 2nd year Japanese.

    • to stay connected with me and other classmates through this distance-learning period. This is a challenging time for everyone. Your willingness to learn and share is a vital part of this distance learning class.

During the distance learning period, we will use familiar online Apps such as (YouTube, Vocaroo, Seesaw, Adobe Spark, Kahoot, Quizlet, Google Slide/Doc, etc.). Please make sure that you have access to those applications at home. Also you will need to upload all your evidences to your digital portfolio. That's the only way that I can evaluate your "presentational" skills in Japanese. So please do NOT forget to upload all your works to the site. If you have online access problem at home, please notify sensei by Friday, April 17. After this date, any request related to your online accessibility will not be granted.

Here is the schedule for Washington High School's distance-learning courses.

Here is the grading policy for your Japanese class. Please read it carefully.

updated on 2020年4月2日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!

Schools are closed, but learning continues.

As schools may be closed for the rest of the school year, we need to change our plans for the assignments given before March 13 and after the school closures. Please read the following instructions and check the deadlines carefully. Please remember that all of us need to be accountable during this unsettling and challenging time.

Required Assignment given before March 13 [the deadline - April 11] [CLOSED]

There is ONE assignment that you've been expected to complete: “文化のちがい” Cultural Projects.” Please read the following instructions for how to complete this assignment successfully.

  1. Work on your “文化のちがい” Cultural Projects.” We have studied common culture topics between Japanese & American customs, but there are some differences. Focus on those differences and think about your interpretation & share them in Japanese. Select FOUR topics and at least one has to be your original. Select “Manga” style OR “30 sec video” style. You can mix them up if you want. Write scripts for the video and narrative sentences & scripts in bubbles and descriptions for Manga. Check this PDF for more details.

  2. For Manga, SCAN it. Please do NOT take a photo. SCAN it, please. For a 30 sec video, you can use Adobe Spark for your video production. Search an appropriate image for your video and voice-over with your narration.

  3. Upload your SCANNED manga / the video production to your digital portfolio and add your thorough reflections regarding this assignment & cultural differences and the current remote class situations.

  4. Complete this assignment by Saturday, April 11. If you have any online access problems, please notify sensei by Tuesday April 7, otherwise we assume that you are able to complete this assignment by the deadline. You do not need to send any links to sensei. Sensei will check & evaluate your work in your digital portfolio after April 11.

This assignment is NOT optional. You will earn a grade accordingly.

AP students

Here is a message from the College Board

Students taking world language and culture exams will complete two spoken tasks consistent with free-response questions 3 and 4 on the current AP Exam. Written responses will not be required. We'll provide additional details in the coming weeks to help students prepare.

So only Speaking section. We will discontinue sample tests on Quia, but for your AP Japanese grade, please finish all 20 sample questions. If you do not finish them, I need to lower your grade accordingly. Please give me one or two days to plan for your speaking practices. Most likely, We will use Lingt / Vocaroo for practices.

For the April 11 deadline, please complete all 20 AP sample tests on Quia. Addition to AP speaking practice, you are also expected to complete JPN3H work as well (since no more Quia sample tests).

Optional & Make-Up Assignments by this Saturday April 4th [CLOSED]

If you have worked on any "Optional" and/or "Make-up" assignments since the school closures happened, you MUST submit all the works through Google Classroom (Evidence Work from March 16 - 27) by Saturday April 4 (this Saturday!). Read the March 24 & 25 posts for more details. After April 4th, any extra works you have done will NOT be added to your Synergy grade. We will start our distance-learning class from Monday, April 6th.

updated on 2020年3月30日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!


元気ですか。毎日、たいくつですね。でも本を読んだり、好きなことがたくさんできると思います。Hope you are doing well. Believe or not, It's the break now. Hope you are staying healthy and spending a rewarding time.

Also we got messages from Yusei/Ai sensei.

Please submit ALL of your "Optional" works via Google Classroom by Saturday, April 4th for extra credit. After April 4th, NEW assignments will be announced. Check the March 25 post below.

Message from Yusei-sensei

Message from Ai-sensei

Last day with Mori-sensei

updated on 2020年3月25日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!


All current assignments are "OPTIONAL" right now (except Cultural Project and Quia AP sample questions: AP only), however you are encouraged to keep up your skills and knowledge of Japanese. Here are steps for making up credit!

1) Go to Synergy and check which categories you need to work on most (check the lowest-performing categories) - see the chart on the right.

2) Find which goal(s) below can help you fill the gap for raising the lowest-performing categories)

3) Work on any project / activities to demonstrate your communication skills and knowledge of Japanese, aligned with the goal(s).

4) Once you finish it, send it via Google Classroom (work for March 16-27). Specify which goal(s) you worked on for which grading category.

Sensei will add points to your Synergy grade for submitted work as "Extra Credit" for the requested category based on the quality of work and your ideas behind.

You can continue workin on your "extra credit" projects after March 27. More information about distance-learning classes will be announced later.

For a semester grade in May, you will be required to demonstrate your level-appropriate communication skills and knowledge in Japanese. I highly recommend you to keep up your work during this "stay-home" period. Contact me if you need help.

Your submitted work will be evaluated & graded by:

  • Exceeding Expectation (with thorough preparation)

  • Meeting Expectation (with moderate efforts)

  • Approaching expectation (lack of efforts, but you submitted anyway)

updated on 2020年3月24日 - しつもん? Ask sensei through Remind!


  • I can control newly learned structures in texts that are spoken and/or written.

  • I can sing my group's Edo song !

  • I can describe my interpretations of cultural differences in daily life in Japan.

  • I can interpret the main message in Japanese songs/anime/manga/articles.

  • [AP only] I can use common phrases for Free Response questions in AP Japanese.

What can you do to demonstrate your accomplishments?

Examples are listed here, but not limited to. Be Creative to show your skills!

  1. become familiar with verb forms and appropriate endings. - How? - Using the Genki textbook & PDF below, review those structures that you may use for the cultural project. In the HW section of your notebook, provide your understanding of ESSENTIAL grammatical points for you, by writing short essays, drawing conversational manga, or simply designing essential points. Be creative & enjoy. Take a picture and send it via Google Classroom

  2. be bold and sing! - How? - Practice your SOLO karaoke for your Edo musical. You can send your video! Try!

  3. describe your own interpretations with evidences - How? - Work on your “文化のちがい” Cultural Projects.” We have studied common culture topics between Japanese & American customs, but there are some differences. Focus on those differences and think about your interpretation & share them in Japanese. Select FOUR topics and at least one has to be your original. Select “Manga” style OR “30 sec video” style. You can mix them up if you want. Write scripts for the video and narrative sentences & scripts in bubbles for Manga. Finish your projects and send them to sensei!

  4. become more confident to deal with unfamiliar vocabulary and structures - How? - pick some Japanese song, Manga, online articles and/or anime episode. Watch/Read/Listen to it and catch essential words in the media. Interpret the main ideas and design essential elements or summarize it in Japanese. [Do not worry about details.]

  5. [AP only] - How? - Continue taking sample tests on Quia. Now there are 20 sample questions. Sensei will start grading each one this week.


  • 文化のちがい project (PDF)

  • Structure Review Video in Genki (Link)

  • Genki Textbook online worksheet (Link)

  • Creating videos (Seesaw, Adobe Spark )

  • Quia (Link)

  • NHK News (Link)

  • Online Language course marugoto (Link)

  • Free Books to read! (Link)

  • 日本文化 1 - Hirogaru (Link)

  • 日本文化 2 - Matcha (Link)

  • 先生の好きなうた (see below、特にVaundyの「僕は今日も」が大好き。彼は天才 (19才!)だと思う。聞いて、かれのうたの意味をかんがえてください。ディープだよ。)

How to submit your evidences

Your submitted work will be evaluated & graded by:

  • Exceeding Expectation (with thorough preparation)

  • Meeting Expectation (with moderate efforts)

  • Approaching expectation (lack of efforts, but you submitted anyway)

I will add points to your Synergy grade for submitted work as "Extra Credit." For a semester grade, you are required to demonstrate your level-appropriate communication skills and knowledge in Japanese. I highly recommend you to keep up your work during this "stay-home" period. Any excuses for the semester grade will NOT be accepted. Contact me if you need help.

Submit any images and/or links of your work through Google Classroom for March 16 - 27.

ALL AP Exam Takers (including AP Japanese)

The College Board is offering free online study sessions this coming week for ALL AP exams, including the AP Japanese exam. Check the link for ALL exams (listed as Eastern Time).

Here is the schedule for AP Japanese (listed as Pacific time).

  • Wednesday, March 25, 2020 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time [1.A Describe the literal meaning of the text.]

  • Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time [2. A Make connections among cultural and interdisciplinary information provided in texts.]

  • Friday, March 27, 2020 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time [3. A Interpret the distinguishing features of a text.]