Paraeducator Institute

Calling All SFUSD Paraeducators:

Register for the August 2020 Paraeducator Institute!

The 4th Annual SFUSD Paraeducator Institute will be held virtually on August 11th-14th, 2020 (Tuesday-Friday). You will select from a menu of daily workshops, choosing those that you wish to attend each day of the institute. The workshop list and more specific information will be sent to you later in summer after you register.

The Paraeducator Institute is designed to support paraeducators to feel valued and supported and to allow paraeducators to engage in meaningful and relevant professional development. Workshops will enhance your wisdom and talents in service of improving student learning and student experiences. The institute will feature speeches from SFUSD leadership as well as Para leaders in our district. Attendees can select morning and afternoon workshops to attend to best meet your job needs and professional learning desires. We anticipate 500-800 paraeducators attending each day.

You are paid to attend this institute!

Payment is through the 7 Hour Contractual PD Day (paid at your hourly rate) and/or your 18 Paid Professional Development Hours (paid at $22 per hour).

Workshops span the following categories:

--Instructional Frameworks and Strategies

--Behavioral Frameworks and Strategies



--Special Education

--Cultural Competence & Equity

--Family & Community Partnerships

--Job-specific & required workshops by classification

Daily Schedule:

The institute will be held from 9:00am-4:30pm daily according to this schedule:

--Daily Opener/Welcome 9:00am - 9:20am (20 min)

--Webinar 9:30am - 10:30am (60 min)

--Interactive Workshop 11:00am -12:30pm (90 min)

--Webinar 1:30pm - 2:30pm (60 min)

--Interactive Workshop 3:00-4:30pm (90 min)

For more information, contact Nora Houseman at