18 Paid PD Hours for SFSUD Educators!

Guidance for 18 Paid PD Hours for Educators (SY 20-21)

August 2020 onwards

Updates Regarding 18 Paid PD Hours (formerly called Prop A/QTEA Hours, more recently LWEA/Prop G Hours)

General Info


They are back! UESF certificated and classified educators (certificated bargaining unit members) will again have 18 PD Hours per educator for the 20-21 SY. However there is a new fully virtual process so read on!


    • Certificated Staff: $46 per hour
    • Child Development Program Teachers (Early Education): $35 per hour
    • Paraeducators: $22 per hour


UESF certificated and classified educators (certificated bargaining unit members) receive a TOTAL of 18 hours of paid professional development each school year. No educator can receive or use more than 18 hours in a school year. Qualifying educators include teachers, counselors, paraprofessionals, security aides, and a long list of other positions (see Qualifying Staff List). Administrators do NOT receive these hours. More specifics:

    • Part-time educators (FTE 0.2, FTE 0.5, FTE 0.7, etc.) receive the full 18 hours.
    • Para and teacher substitutes do NOT receive hours with exceptions as follows:
      • Core Teacher Subs and S-10 Core Para Subs DO receive hours.
      • Long Term Teacher Subs are eligible if they sub for the same teacher for 40 days consecutively, at which point they are placed on the teacher salary schedule and receive 18 hours.
    • Educators on paid leave and temporary educators also receive hours, eligible only while on active status.
    • Educators on sabbatical can NOT receive hours.
    • If an educator works at two sites, 18 hours are generally loaded at site where educator works most hours.


Educators can view their 18 Paid PD Hours on their paycheck in the “leave balances”. The 18 PD Hours are called “Cont Ed”. This will allow YOU to track your 18 hours. Your site/department secretary can also look up your hours used/hours remaining. Coming soon will be a virtual tracker that ALL educators and their administrators can use to track and verify hours used and hours remaining. It will go live after August 17 at https://bit.ly/PDindividualreport.

All information can be found here: 18 Paid PD Hours for Educators (NOTE: website in process of being updated and moved to DRUPAL so some information outdated from last school year)

New Process

The Process Has Moved to A Fully Virtual Process

The info below is for the week of August 10-14, 2020.

Contact Nora Houseman with any questions (Housemann@sfusd.edu) after reading the information below.

    • For pre-service week, there are two ways to document hours:
      • If an educator is attending one of SFUSD's pre-service institutes (NTO, DDD, Para Institute): educators using their 18 PD Hours will simply sign-in to each workshop/institute attended. All hours will be compiled and a report will be sent (the week of August 17) to both the educator and the administrator(s) of total hours, to be passed along to the site secretary for immediate inputting.
      • If an educator is attending professional learning at the school site or externally or anything other than the above: Educators must sign in using the SFUSD Record of Professional Learning & Development: https://bit.ly/PDdocumentation. On this form, educators list the length of each professional learning event. Similar to above, this information will be compiled and sent as a report (the week of August 17) to both the educator and the administrator(s) of total hours, to be passed along to the site secretary for immediate inputting.
      • After August 1, you can view educator PD hours here: https://bit.ly/PDindividualreport so that you can input PD hours.
      • See 18 Paid PD Hours for Educators for information on qualification, pay and other questions.
    • Paraeducator Contractual 7 Hour PD Day: Most SFUSD paraeducators will be using their Contractual 7 Hour PD Day during pre-service week. See the information sheet for more info. During pre-service week, the process to document and input hours is identical to above (the process for the 18 PD Hours). Paraeducators will sign in and a report will be sent to educators/administrators the week of August 17. Site secretaries/administrative assistants will be instructed upon receiving the report to enter the first 7 hours toward the contractual PD Day, and any remaining hours toward the 18 PD Hours for that educator.

What do you need to do? Make sure you sign in for any professional learning you attend the week of August 10-14! If attending an institute, sign in using whatever form they give you. If attending at your school site or externally, use the general form: https://bit.ly/PDdocumentation

After August 17, 2020 (FOR FULL SCHOOL YEAR)

For any hours moving forward (August 17 and beyond), hours must be PRE-APPROVED by your administrator. Be sure to communicate with your administrator BEFORE using any remaining hours.

Educators will document hours moving forward by using this log.


How To Use Your Hours Virtually

There Are Many Ways to Utilize Your Hours From Home

You may choose to engage in any of the following, so long as it occurs outside of contract hours/work hours:

    • Professional reading
    • Attending webinars or online workshops
    • Exploring Google Classrooms
    • Watching education videos
    • Co-planning or collaborating with colleagues virtually
    • Joining virtual book clubs, virtual PLCs, or virtual retreats
    • Taking classes online relevant to your job duties
    • And so on...

Some helpful SFUSD links:

A reminder that you need to email your supervisor for PRE-APPROVAL before engaging in the above activities.

Guidance for clerks inputting hours:

Issuing Payment:

Step 1: Log into Timeroll - special credentials for this application and you must have remote access on your laptop/desktop during this period of Shelter-in-Place.

Step 2: Click on the hyperlinked words - Continuing Ed - Prop G Pay

Step 3: In the Continuing Education sub menu, select location [if necessary] and then in the line mistakenly identified as location select either Classified or Certificated.

Step 4: Click on 'Search'

Step 5: Review the employees names and select whichever ones attended the same event for the same amount of time on the same day. If the length of time or date differs, you have to add separately.

Step 6: Under Add New Time Record - Select the date from the calendar; the date must fall within the pay period. Then verify the code to be used for the payment. Include the # of Units (which means hours - whole hours, no fractions.) As to rounding up - ask your supervisor. In Comments provide a short description of the PD.

Step 7: Click on 'Add Record'

Repeat until all employees' hours are entered.

The hours can be viewed for accuracy in the regular employee Timeroll screen at the bottom of that page under - Continuing Ed - Prop A Day:

The Purpose

The Quality Teacher and Education Act (QTEA) was passed by voters in 2008 and is in effect until July 1, 2028. The proposition outlines usage as determined by voters. UESF and SFUSD have mutually agreed upon the specifics for implementation and accountability (see Original Proposition, UESF contract Appendix F, UESF website). There are thus contractual and legal requirements for usage that are non-negotiable at the school site. With the passage of the Living Wage for Educators Act of 2018 (Prop G Parcel Tax or LWEA), the funding source for educator PD Hours has now shifted from QTEA to LWEA. However, requirements and process for usage have not changed.

These Paid PD Hours are not meant to supplant site professional development (PD) or fund core PD that the site or the district is initiating. Rather, LWEA PD Hours are meant to differentiate, enhance, or customize learning for each individual (extend not replace site PD).

The UESF contract states that the goal of these funds is to have “continuing education decisions made at the school site and embedded into the site programs” (certificated contract p. 153; classified contract p. 94). LWEA PD Hours thus support educator learning needs in alignment with site PD initiatives. These hours are NOT meant to be used for one-off trainings or for PD that is disconnected from the site PD plan.

The Basics

WHO QUALIFIES? UESF certificated and classified educators (certificated bargaining unit members) receive a TOTAL of 18 hours of paid professional development each school year. No educator can receive or use more than 18 hours in a school year. Qualifying educators include teachers, counselors, paraprofessionals, security aides, and a long list of other positions (see Qualifying Staff List).

  • Part-time educators (FTE 0.2, FTE 0.5, FTE 0.7, etc.) receive the full 18 hours.
  • Para and teacher substitutes do NOT receive hours with exceptions as follows:
    • Core Teacher Subs and S-10 Core Para Subs DO receive hours.
    • Long Term Teacher Subs are eligible if they sub for the same teacher for 40 days consecutively, at which point they are placed on the teacher salary schedule and receive 18 hours.
  • Educators on paid leave and temporary educators also receive hours, eligible only while on active status.
  • Educators on sabbatical can NOT receive hours.
  • If an educator works at two sites, 18 hours are generally loaded at site where educator works most hours.

Important to Know


These hours are voluntary as they must be utilized outside of the specified workday (not during paid contract hours). While we strongly encourage all eligible staff to utilize all of their hours, it cannot be mandated. Educators may choose to use some, all, or none of their hours. LWEA PD Hours are mutually agreed upon in advance by the educator and supervisor. This ensures alignment with the site PD plan while allowing flexibility for individual PD needs/interests.


These hours can be used at any time in the calendar school year (consolidated or spread over the course of the year). These hours DO NOT roll over if unused; they expire at the end of the school term (June 30). However, they CAN be used for summer PD for JUNE only within the same calendar school year if a plan is made in advance to ensure submission of the Passport document by payroll deadlines (see info below on how to do so).


Educators can attend scheduled site PD, central PD or non-district PD - so long as it falls outside of your normal workday schedule and is not already paid. Professional development can include workshops, conferences, PLCs, collaborative planning with other educators, analyzing student work, professional reading + discussion, video protocols, retreats, cycles of inquiry, lesson planning/refinement, data analysis/calibration/reflection, etc.


Anything that is not explicitly professional learning for educators. This includes: attending or planning family and student events (including “Math Night” or the like); field trips or planning for field trips; any business meetings; writing report cards or scoring assessments; cleaning or organizing; copying or prepping; making bulletin boards or decorating room; attending family-student-teacher conferences, SSTs, IEPs, SSC or PAC meetings, etc.; attending mandatory site PD meetings or meetings during contractual hours.

--LWEA PD hours can enhance your site/department PD plan and enable rich learning experiences for site staff--

Examples include but are not limited to:

    • Creating grade-level (GL), cross-GL, or cross-school PLCs or book clubs to delve deeper into a PD strand of interest
    • Utilizing hours to host an off-site GL or staff retreat linked to site PD plan
    • Attending a conference together
    • Using video protocols (filming and analyzing practice) to enable peer observations/feedback
    • Initiating a Lesson Study cycle, Looking at Student Work cycles, or other cycles of inquiry

Getting Credit, Getting Paid

Payment- These hours are paid as follows:

                    • Certificated Staff: $46 per hour
                    • Child Development Program Teachers (early education): $35 per hour
                    • Paraprofessionals: $22 per hour

*LWEA PD Hours are taxable compensation

Steps to Utilize Hours

Once approved, all educators are responsible for documenting their own hours, acquiring signatures validating the hours, submitting their hours on a monthly basis, and retaining this passport document.

  1. Pre-Approval: Co-develop a plan with your supervisor/principal, mutually agreeing upon use of your hours for the upcoming year and ensuring alignment with site/dept. PD goals (site PD plan). Share your goals for professional growth and request PRE-APPROVAL to attend professional development that you believe is aligned with site PD goals and your own professional learning needs and interests. Receive pre-approval (supervisor signs your passport).
  2. Attend PD: Attend pre-approved professional development (this may be site PD, district PD, or external PD). Ensure the facilitator/provider of the PD signs your passport. For site PD, any administrator can sign to verify.
  3. Post-Validation: Ensure your supervisor/principal signs your passport validating your attendance at the pre-approved PD.
  4. Submit Passport Monthly to Site Secretary/Payroll Clerk: Submit your passport EVERY MONTH YOU USE HOURS to your site secretary or payroll clerk to submit to payroll. Payroll periods run from the 21st of each month to the 20th of the following month.
  5. Keep a copy of your passport: Both YOU and the payroll clerk are responsible for keeping a hard copy of the passport for verification, auditing, and tracking purposes.

*USING LWEA PD HOURS IN JUNE: If you wish to use your PD hours in June, here are necessary steps to take (NOTE SUBMISSION DEADLINE OF JUNE 7):

    • Seek pre-approval as early as possible from your supervisor/principal (deadline: last day of school, June 4, 2019).
    • Attend PD (acquire necessary signatures) and submit to secretary/payroll clerk as early as possible (many site secretaries complete work on June 7, 2018).
    • If site secretary/payroll clerk is not available, passport can be submitted to supervisor/principal (deadline: June 7, 2019). Supervisor/principal can then enter hours into timeroll (payroll).
    • Refer to designated payroll specialist with any questions about entering LWEA PD hours into payroll (call 415-241-6114 and ask for specialist for your site/department).

*APPEALS: If you would like to formally appeal the denial of LWEA Educator PD Hours by a PD facilitator or your reporting supervisor, complete the online appeal form here or request a paper copy at the contact below. Retroactive appeals can be submitted as long as they are within the same calendar school year--see SFUSD calendar.

*TRACKING YOUR HOURS: Educators can view their 18 Paid PD Hours on their paycheck in the “leave balances”. The 18 PD Hours are called “Cont Ed”. This will allow YOU to track what hours remain out of your 18 hours.

Information for Principals & Supervisors


It is your responsibility to...

    • Inform qualifying educators at your site/department about their LWEA PD Hours and stipulations for use
    • Co-develop Passport plans that align with site/department PD plan with all interested qualifying educators
    • Pre-approve PD by signing the Passport before the PD. Validate that the educator attended the agreed-upon PD by signing the Passport after the PD.
    • Ensure site secretary/payroll clerk is submitting hours monthly and keeping paper passports for potential audit


    • Work with educators to agree on a plan for utilizing LWEA PD Hours.
    • Encourage usage of the hours (give regular reminders, track usage and personally follow up with educators).
    • Allow a staff or dept. team or an entire school/dept. staff to utilize their LWEA PD Hours for the same PD or Passport plan (assuming PD is voluntary, mutually-consented to, and in alignment with site plan).


    • Mandate that the hours are utilized.
    • Dictate that the hours are used in a particular way.
    • Utilize LWEA PD Hours for (non-PD) faculty meetings, business meetings, School Site Council meetings, ELAC meetings, or other committee meetings.
    • Inter-change LWEA PD Hours for extended pay hours as they are paid at different rates (if staff have the same classification, it would not be equitable to provide some staff LWEA PD Hours and some staff Extended Hours for the same PD, as they would be paid at differing rates).

Information for Central Departments Wanting to Offer LWEA PD Hours


You cannot guarantee LWEA PD Hours as compensation for central professional development.

    • Interested educators may have already utilized some or all of their hours
    • Site supervisors may not consent to the use of LWEA PD Hours for your PD, as it may not be aligned with the site PD plan
    • LWEA PD Hours are voluntary and educators can choose whether to use their hours and for what PD to use their hours
    • LWEA PD Hours must be mutually consented to in advance with the site supervisor - if this has not happened, participants may not receive the hours for attendance

Best practice: If you would like to offer LWEA PD Hours as potential compensation...

    • Ensure your professional development meets the criteria for LWEA PD Hours (see above).
    • Advertise your PD as follows: “Unpaid professional development with option for paid compensation if participants choose to utilize their annually allocated 18 LWEA professional development hours and have pre-approval from supervisor to do so. Bring PD Passport in order to utilize LWEA PD compensation.”
    • At the PD, verbally remind participating educators that to utilize their LWEA PD Hours they need to have pre-approval from their supervisor and are personally responsible for acquiring a signature from the PD facilitator.

Information for Secretaries & Payroll Clerks


Tracking and Compensation Procedure:

    1. UESF members retain their original “LWEA PD Passport” document as they attend PDs to be paid through LWEA PD funds. Each UESF member can earn a maximum of 18 hours per school year.
    2. UESF members make a copy of their passport and submit it to their payroll clerk on a monthly basis, ideally by the monthly payroll deadline. The payroll clerk inputs all hours on a monthly basis.
    3. Payroll clerks keep ALL paper passport documents in one safe place (file folder by school year recommended). Schools are randomly selected each year for auditing.

Issuing Payment:

Step 1: Go to the Timeroll System homepage

Step 2: Select group you want to pay for example: “teachers”

Step 3: Select classification for example: “certificated”

Step 4: Click on the blue link that says: "Cont. Ed - LWE - Prop G Pay"

Step 5: Repeat steps step 2 and 3

Step 6: Select the total number of hours to be paid for this month’s pay period.

Payroll Deadlines:

LWEA PD Passport Hours must be inputted each month by the regular PAYROLL deadline. Hours ideally should not accumulate over time and ideally are turned in on a monthly basis.


  • Contact Nora Houseman (see contact info below) if you have any questions about submitting hours or if an educator submits a late passport.
  • Contact your designated payroll specialist if you need support inputting hours (call 415-241-6114 and ask for specialist for your site/department).

If you have questions or concerns regarding LWEA Paid Professional Development Hours, please contact Nora Houseman at housemann@sfusd.edu or 415-265-6960.

For more information on LWEA Professional Development go here

Important Documents & Forms