2018-19 PLN Cohort





Carolyn is a Special Education Paraprofessional (S10) at Paul Revere PK-8 School. She has 27 years of experience in SFUSD as a general education paraprofessional, an elementary advisor, and special education classroom paraprofessional. She has particularly enjoyed working with a student with special needs who has been through a lot of trauma and has come so far! She is a proud grandmother of six, who are the fourth generation of her family to attend SFUSD Public Schools!




Sean has recently transitioned to work in the office of Pupil Services as an R11 Child Welfare and Attendance Liaison. February 2018 will mark five years of service to SFUSD. Sean is a firm believer in building healthy and inclusive school communities. If you meet him, he will greet you a big smile and a hilarious joke.`







Tatiana has been working as an R11 Child Welfare and Attendance Liaison at the Office of Pupil Services for the past seven years. She has been part of SFUSD for over 20 years and has worked as an Early Childhood para, a clerk, and an S10. In her current role, she enjoys working with families and students to help them improve their attendance and re-engage in school. She is a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine.

Janet is a Paraprofessional on Special Assignment (P80) on the QTEA Team in the Office of Professional Learning and Leadership in Curriculum & Instruction in SFUSD. Her career spans over more than 30 years as a Community Relations Specialist/Elementary Advisor working with families and students, providing wrap around services and addressing the holistic needs of students. Highlights of her career include receiving the 2015 Paraprofessional of the Year Award from the National Education Association and her participation in developing the Paraprofessional Leadership Network (PLN) in SFUSD! She loves to dance and sing with students!





Starting as a substitute para with SFUSD in 2008, Diana became a full time Inclusion Paraprofessional (S10) at West Portal Elementary School in 2010. Her approach to working with students is to presume competence, facilitate independence and make a connection with them each and every day. Diana also aspires to be an advocate for all students. The highlight of her career so far is being chosen for the PLN. Did you know Diana loves to dance?

Rafael (or “Rafa” as he is belovedly known) is an Elementary Advisor (R40) at Cesar Chavez Elementary School. He has been and elementary advisor for 22 years, and prior to that he was a special education classroom paraprofessional for 5 years at Sanchez Elementary School. Highlights of his career include building long lasting relationships with students, staff, and community. He lovingly says of himself, “I am the biggest child in our school!”





Susan has been a Special Education Classroom Paraprofessional (N10) for learning challenged middle school students at AP Giannini for 24 years! What she has particularly enjoyed in her career has been seeing students recognize their successes and seeing students come back because they feel loved! A fun fact about Susan is that she loves 1940s movies!

Chris has been a para-educator (S10) for the past two years. Prior to joining the SFUSD, he spent several years providing oversight to various programs in a private school setting. As an aspiring school counselor, he loves making connections with each of his students. He considers the last two years the most challenging, but rewarding time in his career in education.





My current position SD20 at Cesar Chavez Elementary School 3rd-5th grade.

This is my 3rd year under working SFUSD

It was big transition from my experience from hearing peer to Deaf peers. At CCES there were few Deaf staffs, now CCES we have more Deaf staffs and we are working together to make this program effective and collaboration with other staff. I am thrill and I aimed to keep this program and staffs running on a well machine oil.

Fun Fact about me. I am PCMR (Personal Computer Master Race) I like building computer as hobby and I am huge fan of sports, I tried to keep up with most currently sport new and stat.

Contact Info

Malind@sfusd.edu or VP (videophone) 628-333-2604

Maggie is a Family Liaison (R20C) at Francisco Middle School. She has been a multi-lingual paraprofessional for 8 years and has enjoyed building relationships, and bridging communication between families and the school. She particularly loves planning ongoing activities that promote family unity and school connection--specifically at Lunar New Year Celebrations! Maggie enjoys outdoor activities.




My current role as a para is as an S10W, which means I assist students, age 18-22, with community access. We currently offer about ninety minutes a day of classroom instruction, with the remainder of the day dedicated to community immersion. This takes the form of one day of student choice, where students choose fun places in the community to visit, two days of WorkAbility intern sites, and two days of activity or volunteer sites. My role varies from distant observer to direct prompter. I model behaviors and skills to the best of my ability and train students in job and life skills.

I have worked for SFUSD for fourteen years with every grade. I started out as a para substitute. I then worked under 504 for 7 1/2 years with a 1:1 assignment from the student's fifth grade to his graduation from high school. Since then, I have worked in Special Education, one year in high school and six in community access. My first several summer school assignments were with pre-k special education. So, I have seen the system from beginning to end. I have played the role of "body guard" for a student with serious physical needs, tutor, mentor, community guide, travel trainer, unofficial counselor, etiquette guide, secretary (we have no admin support at our current site), and other roles.

The highlights of my years of service include when I found myself in a 1:1 position in a large high school with a student with a condition so rare that no other staff had heard of it. I contacted the advocacy foundation for the condition and, for a small donation, they supplied me with copies of a pamphlet describing the condition. I handed them out at a department meeting and to other faculty upon request. As the pamphlet merely described the condition, I did not compromise anyone's privacy and educated enough staff in the school to create a safe, informed place for the student. This allowed all of us to proceed with our jobs as educators and created an environment for the student where there was no need for regular discussion of the disability.

Additionally, in my role at Access SFUSD: The Arc, I set up an easy-to-follow system for paras to fill out their time sheets. Also, I determine the routes that are used by the Muni ADA crew. We evaluate three bus routes twice a week within that month's division. The routes must be completed in about ninety minutes and we must ride the buses for twenty minutes each, have lunch, and return to school in a timely manner. Finally, I have had the students participate annually in the Fluxfest Chicago event where their art work has been put on display or used in performances by artists from around the country or from other countries.

A fun fact: I have a thing for red clothing. It's a challenge to find an entire red wardrobe, so I keep an eye out for anything red that I might wear. Red men's socks of sturdy quality are the toughest to find.

Lashunda has worked in SFUSD in various capacities over her 6 years with the district. Lashunda has been proud to be apart of the teaching staff at San Francisco Community, in roles such as Paraeducator (2013), 4th-8th grade teacher (2014-2018) and now as a R35 Culture and Climate Paraeducator. Her educational philosophy is “Students already come with a ton of knowledge and skills, we’re just showing them how to access it.”