JCYC @ Galileo

JCYC helps Galileo students get to college and find jobs. Vist in Room 209!

Ask Questions About College & Careers!

See Kristin in room 209 (next to the main office) or email/text her (ktatum@jcyc.org; (415) 685-3187) to ask questions about college and careers and get help with college applications. Students can also share essays on Google docs, or attend after-school workshops on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 2:50 pm in computer lab 260. 


Resources: Scan the QR code on the right or check out tiny.cc/studentresources for updated information about scholarships, jobs, internships, volunteer opportunities, free programs and college events! Extracurriculars help you explore your interests, have fun and look good on college applications!

SF STEM Academy 

We provide resources to improve academics and personal development through after school workshops focused on college readiness and STEM interests. Not only will there be field trips and free tutoring, you will have an advisor to support your academic success and wellness! Students receive a monthly stipend and are given a paid summer internship after completion of the school year program.


● Current 11 and 12th Graders.

● Be a US Citizen or Permanent Resident

● Interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and/or demonstrate interest in Biotechnology or Health Academy

Learn About Applying to College

Visit rebrand.ly/How2Get2College and rebrand.ly/How2Get2CCSF for the steps to get to 4 year and community colleges and rebrand.ly/CollegeSuggestions to receive personalized suggestions of colleges to apply to.

College Ambassadors

Join College Ambassadors to learn more about applying to college! Meetings are on Tuesdays at lunch in room 210. Snacks provided!

UC Application Fee Waivers

Need a UC fee waiver? See Kristin in 209. There are fee waivers for CSUs and private schools in the application itself.

Financial Aid Application Support

Ask Kristin for help filling out the FAFSA or Dream Act application! The forms are due on March 2nd.