Trash Monitoring Workgroup

The Trash Monitoring Workgroup is an authorized workgroup associated with the California Water Quality Monitoring Council. The Trash Monitoring Workgroup seeks to coordinate efforts across agencies to advance knowledge of trash-related information.

Membership in the workgroup and its subcommittees is open to all.


The mission of the California Trash Monitoring Workgroup (Trash Workgroup) is to support current practices and advances in trash monitoring and the development of data analysis and visualization tools aimed at assessing the effectiveness of policies and practices for limiting the amounts of trash in the environment. This mission will be fulfilled by providing a forum for discussion, coordination and technical exchanges by a variety of organizations, including government agencies, academic institutions and non-governmental agencies. The Trash Workgroup will review current policies and practices for reducing trash and the use of monitoring data to improve the knowledge needed to accomplish the goals of this group and to inform policy makers and those affected.


The Trash Workgroup will provide recommendations on trash monitoring, assessment, and reporting with attention paid to telling stories around trash to inform policy. Objectives for the Trash Workgroup include:



Learn More!

Discover more information about the Trash Monitoring Workgroup, attend our meetings, and sign up to the membership list at the official site: